
So sort of the same logic that scammer’s use with the Nigerian Prince emails? They’re only looking for the “desired” audience...

I had one employer switch everyone from clip on badges to neck strap badges. Because “some women are uncomfortable with looking at a mans waist to see his name”.

I’ve been in a few caves, so yes, yes I have been inside the earth.

What if, instead of paying players, we “paid players” by funding retirement trusts for all student athletes (or even all students)?

For me, it was kissing someone who smoked. It was like liking an ashtray...

I still miss my ‘86 Merkur XR4Ti, 23 years after I sold it...

With models coming in just 2 years, but get your reservation now!

It was the dealer’s ego that kept me from buying it. We ended up with an ‘09 Jetta SE 2.5L 5-speed. (Only 31 MPG Hwy at 77mph)

I sat in a Prius once and didn’t burst into flames or turn ultra liberal... ;-)

Let’s see, we keep the thermostat at 80 in the summer and 62 in the winter. I’ve been swapping out the failed incandescent with LED’s (because I hate those compact fluorescent bulbs). We recycle our cans, bottles and cardboard. My car gets 32-34 on the highway (at 77mph) which is much better than the Suburban it

Hmm. I’ve been married for 23 years, and lived in 11 residences... Solar payoff is 14 years....

I’ll pass.

Dude, I don’t run unless I have too...

I’d consider the lifting, but I’d still rather just forego the Snickers.

Since I stopped running when the government stopped making me (got out of the Navy), the only running I do these days, is chasing down the kids. I’m lucky to run 6 miles a year...

I’m male, 46, I was 200lbs and am now at 175lbs.

As I recall, one Snicker’s bar equals 30 minutes of running... F’ that, I’ll skip the candy bar...

I set a goal last January 1st to lose 20 lbs by Memorial day. I met my goal, have kept the weight off and this years goal is to lose another 15 lbs. I’ve achieved this by cutting back on the amount I eat. I shoot for 1200 - 1500 calories a day, but I don’t keep a strict log or truly COUNT calories. I’ll glance at

So a Pinto?

I had no issues with an ‘05 Suburban LS. We bought it used (57K miles) in 2009 and drove it for 5 years and 100K miles, with only a few issues.

I use to travel for work... I had been down in Orlando, FL and was headed up to Atlanta, GA to lead a training session. I spent the night in Lake City, FL and started out to finish my trip the next morning. I stopped at a Waffle House in Valdosta, GA for lunch. (Don’t judge me, the Texas Bacon Chicken Melt is

I can’t have a motorcycle, but I can skydive....