
Since she’s had a number of VAG models, lets keep it in the family. You can get a late model Jetta GLI, like this Certified 2016 Volkswagen Jetta 2.0T GLI SEL for $25,000.

Not to say that these are my dream cars, but I’ve had the same disappointment after driving some of my “maybe my next” or my “oh I wish I had gotten one of those back in the day” cars.

I will say, I’ve had some issue in the past with a turbo charged car (XR4Ti) and this time around when we replaced my Jetta with a Passat and the wife’s Suburban with a Jetta, we did look specifically for the 2.5 over the 1.8T.

Oh... the car had it’s issues... The baffles in the climate control system dry rotted, the heater core sprung a leak, the A/C compressor STB after 7 years, the freaking cheap ass plastic clips that connected window regulator to the glass fell apart over time, the cruise died after 10 years, 4th gear decided to

My last VW lasted 16 years, 300,000 miles and 25 states. (And only 1 dealer servicing...)

You should be able to “build” a bag big enough for a whole turkey. It just takes some patience and trial and error. I’ve made a number of double sized bags for a 13 lb ham. Start with the extra-wide roll, cut two bags long enough to fit your turkey. Slit one side on each, and then seal them together. Take your

It can be enabled on (at least) some VW’s with a VAGCOM.

We now have our third VW (the ‘97 from my avatar, a ‘09 Jetta and a ‘12 Passat). They’re been very reliable. We sold the ‘97 this summer with over 300,000 miles on it, and I’ve already put 100,000 on my Passat. I would tell you to stay away from the latest VW Van, it’s just a rebadged Dodge Caravan, with all of

There are occasions where a Suburban is not the answer. Say... Moving an upright piano. One of the few cases were a minivan wins.

Eh. I had an 05 ‘burb (1500 LS RWD) with 187,000 when I sold it, and it was fairly decent.

Repairs were a leaking T valve for the rear Heat and Air, a thermostat, I had to clean the driver’s side window button contacts, a rear ABS sensor and one stepper motor for the speedometer.

Not to bad for a truck we put 130K

11. Learn how to safely tow!

I’ve always like the exterior styling of the Crossfire. Recently I had the chance to test drive one at the local “high end” used lot. And it was a real letdown on the inside. The interior wasn’t bad, like the 80's Pontiac Fiero’s interior, but it was just as cramped. (I know it’s a small car, but my Nissan Pulsar

The standard rules of unmarked identification still apply...

My problem with both the Laura Croft and Nathan Drake franchises is simple. If my character is SO IMPRESSIVE with their athletic and puzzle skills, how do the bad guys keep beating me to locations? I mean, there are puzzles that CANNOT be reset, and yet the lead antagonist, shows up at the next cut scene right on

The PS3 slim is ok, but I was always more impressed with the PS2 slim...

The whole “Speed is a factor” line is always one that really aggravates me. Of course speed is a factor, otherwise there wouldn’t be an accident, since the vehicles wouldn’t be moving.

But, hell, by that logic, birth control is a good deterrent of accidents, as removing both the “extra” drivers and screaming kids

Heh. My ‘86 Merkur XR4Ti (automatic unfortunately) wouldn’t shift out of 1st until 55 if you where heave on the pedal...

Actually analog temp controls w/ dual zones is possible in a VW.

Their Climatronic offers both.

And what about the trucker’s who like to get side by side 15 miles from the merge and maintain the same .025 MPH speed?

So use thousandths to measure the times, but use hundredths for the records / official times.