
Presenting Etihad's ultra cool "Chaise droite" for the cash-strapped, yet classy hipster.

enjoy your last night of freedom infidel woman for when you wake up you will be a sex slave in a harem

I prefer to pop a few xanax and save $19000.

These look super uncomfortable.

Meanwhile, at the back, where all the commoners congregate...

They are competing against rented private jets.

It's a shame they've inbred thoroughbreds so much that it's going to be the downfall of the breed. I remember reading somewhere that nearly 1 in 7 of all registered thoroughbreds can trace their ancestry back to Native Dancer.

But people wear fabulous hats and drink fun drinks!

This Jockey wins the Internet

I really want someone to have the balls to name a horse "Future Alpo." Horse racing is awful.

Meanwhile, his brother California Safari sits unused in the stable.

Alright you lousy horse — win the damn Triple Crown already so I can go back to rooting for long-shots.

I've experienced all of these burnouts, but none are as painful as the 3rd, giving up in the face of stress.

The sensation of giving up before the barriers to achievement is like that breath of air after being held underwater for far longer than you care to be. The after-ache from giving up is like a weight you carry

That's a real mugshot? Holy crap, she's smirking the classic sociopath smirk. She thinks this is funny, that she got away with something.

According to a male student, "Ms. Smith" grabbed his journal and stopped him from talking to his friends as he walked into his third-period class.