
The collarbone...

Well, if this were Project Runway, I'd say she ran out of time and used the rug for a skirt.

I don't think she was referring to anyone but herself though?

Mine too.

And what is the deal with them?

Do you have an Schipperkes, please? This is great! I'm gonna pop some dog tags, I got 20 treats in my pocket...

Thank you. Similar ed and career background.

Upper right corner picture:

Please do! I would love to read it, even if only a paragraph summary.

Not a fan of the eyebrow grooming.

yesn and layers of symbolic barrier and protection with the weight is a comforting combo.

Annnnnd, that didn't work. So I'm gonna nominate myself for #COTD

That's all I've got. I've left it all here on the page.

For all the live bloggers.

Why can't I find that little Michael Kors laughing tangerine gif?

Make that breakdown #2, the stress is getting to me here.

I hope no one thinks I am hot pocketing, I am Live Blogginging, I guess, though.

Oh, good idea, just a bunch of jpgs would work, really!