How could you not know that after commenting on Gawker for like a year and a half?!!?
Geez. Only 5 comments in and I'm already getting tired of this. I think...I hope featured comment is based on number of comments and not, like conversational quality.
Yes, but you only have Twitter for work and it would be highly inappropriate to tweet: "MisterHippity, 2 br8kdwns, PR, season10, where r u going 2 liveblog" from work.
Okay, that sounds like a plan. Would an easier way be to find MisterHippity on Twitter?
That can't be! I am going to keep replying to myself until I am featured comment and everyone knows the situation that we are in!
I'm the only one here who is concerned that we are going to have a runaway and a breakdown, and there will be no MisterHippity liveblog?
Someone, quick, get on the Hippity phone! We must find a place to Live Blog Project Runway. Do we have a Hippity phone? Because we need one, stat.
I will meet you tonight, you bring the keys, I'll bring the bologna and eggs.
$398,000 now and I think I had a joygasm. Southwest Airlines is sending her and her family on a vacation to Disney. It is truly amazing and I love that it is $5 donations, $10 donations from so many people that are giving this woman a tremendous gift. She isn't going to have to get on a damned bus again, unless she…
Just topped 260! Not that I am doing that, too...
Yes! Even if you take out a third for taxes, at 2:23pm EST it's at $257,161.
I hope that I am the kind of old lady that would get in her car and ram that little bastard's car, or secretly follow him home and put bologna and eggs all over it and key it when he's asleep. Because the fact that your mom got heckled makes me want to find out where that jerk lives and do those things RIGHT NOW. Ugh.
It absolutely is. I am going to internet pretend I know for sure and say that these kids have been allowed to push it in the past with their behaviors, because if they thought there would be consequences at all, they probably would not have gone that far.
I think instinctively, you know, unless you are able to back your words up with actions, that to engage them would be foolish. You would increase their verbal aggression and possibly escalate to physical aggression. If you do not have a sharp tongue and attitude to match, or are physically intimidating, I think you…
That's SOP, sadly. Out of sight, out of mind for many administrators. I have seen bus drivers write kids up, daily, with good reason and the administrator tosses it out because it's a hassle.
I'm sorry, did you say something, Cammie?
Ha! That was super creepy and I liked it.
Does honor roll have a different meaning in Barbados?
Al Sharpton calls him Willard. I always wonder if he wants to make that whole rat association thing happen. If so, mission accomplished, Reverend Al!