
Admittedly, while this all sounds super cool, I have to admit I’m more interested in reading an article written from the perspective of a woman about what this game is like. And maybe that’s just because I’m having a weird whiplash reading this article describing VR face-touching being A Thing™, only mere minutes

I imagine (or at least hope to imagine) that a lot of his “fans” are kids or really young adults who don’t get the whole parasocial relationship thing. They’re really susceptible to hype and fomo, and a need to belong in some group.

It makes them perfect targets for predators like dumbass over here(since I refuse to

The Dick Tracy timeline?

Can we settle on a style guide standard whereby we never call these stupid influencers by their handles after the initial introduction? Writing an entire article about the beef between “Ice Poseidon” and “Coffeezilla” and continuing to use those absurd names throughout, just proves that we’re truly in the dumbest

She looks very much like a CGI model closely based on Jen Taylor in a mocap suit.

Random human allied with the covenant is my only issue. Their entire crusade against humanity was because humanity proved their religion was a lie. You can have sympathetic villains like the Arbiter who eventually becomes an ally for example, but a human enemy feels cheap. Have her be an insurrectionist but not allied

I’m almost certain that is a CG model, not live action.

They just made it look like the actress more. I also bet the first time we see her “materialize” she’ll be blue / coded as an homage to the original, and then she’ll shift into this new look.  Would have preferred her as blue throughout but it’s not a deal

Find the Halo, win the war? Did Hollywood decide to change the story that already exists with deep lore? What’s with the human leading the Convenant?

I don’t understand why Cortana had to be live-action. they could have just lifted her character model from Halo 4 and animated her for the scenes that she’s in. instead we have this.....

Now playing

Here’s a good example. Skip to 6:40 in this video of jak and daxter running on a ps2 emulator. The environmental detail and textures look pretty damn similar, if not better than legends arceus. There are more and more varied plants and just as much detail on the terrain textures. The character models are less

Oh, to play MGS4: Guns of the Patriots again... I’ll buy it gladly - just let me play it SOMEWHERE on modern hardware.

We gamers can be so ridiculous. In the absence of news, we seem to decide that there has to be something and then start making things up out of whole cloth and then get disappointed (at best) or even angry (at worst) when the stuff we made up in our heads turns out to be wrong. I include myself in this because I’ve

The more I hear about iOS, the more I learn it’s not the right choice for me. I know I’m likely more techy than the masses at large but it never ceases to amaze me the things people allow companies to get away with. Being able to pick my own SMS/MMS app seems like a downright given in this day and age. I’d feel like

Pretty sure the number of Android users jealous of their Apple-using friends is a very very small number globally. I’ve always been team Android. Never even considered getting locked into Apple’s ecosystem and limited hardware and software (especially from a configuration standpoint — I don’t generally work “the Apple

You really dont know what you are missing until you free yourself from Apple’s walled garden......

Android tablets suuuuuuck. That is the one area in our home where iOS still rules the roost.

I’m ALREADY using Android. Matter of fact, I’ve been Android since my first smartphone. I refuse to use any Apple product I don’t absolutely HAVE to. They’re made to be PITAs.

Contrarily, your comment sounds like an Apple user who’s jealous their Android using friends. 🤷‍♀️

As someone who cares little about the jump from 1080 to 4k - I think the biggest visual opportunity for Series X/S and PS5 is making 60fps the norm.

So the modding community apparently gave this game visual updates, a day/night cycle, voice acting, and more alleged bells and whistles, but absolutely shit out a menu UI like they're actually Square Enix? Come on.