
Pffft, the only thing that made this conversation remotely worthwhile was watching you constantly pivot to hilarious new mental gymnastics with each reply. Now you can’t even manage that, so you just fall back to a pathetic and hollow “YOU CAN’T SAY THAT!” on every point.

It feels like the sound designers were trying to combine every modern cliche of what popular zoomer teens, instagram models, or makeup influencers are supposed to sound like.

Doom players often mentioned that, outside of combat, navigating the game using the map screen was more comfortable than playing the game from the intended POV.

no, not everything that is added to a game is proof that it would fall apart without it. But that admission doesn’t exclude that *some* of the features added to a game are there because they game would fall apart without them.

Nah, you argue that it’s a resources issue, but 3D games that need a map have a map (Doom 16 included). The opposite is also true, if you don’t have a map you need to design levels that don’t need a map

Oh, wow, you literally added nothing of substance.

I love that we’ve gotten to the point in the conversation where every single argument you have left is that you don’t *have* to have any evidence about all these things

So you can prove logically, from first principles... that Doom’s corridors aren’t confusing to anybody but me?

The good thing about having known you for so long is that I’m starting to realize when you say “lmao” I can safely substitute “I concede the point” and it works just as well.

you ignore it AGAIN because you can’t argue with me

did I say most Doom levels are symmetrical and leave it at that?

I am not substituting a different argument in

So you’re saying that, fundamentally, if you make a claim about something inherently opinion-based, like, say, which game is the best, then you have to basically prove that it’s the best for EVERYONE based on THEIR critieria? Literally ANY criteria?

Now playing

Those are entirely arbitrary. That’s the entire point, you seem to think that by saying something you turn it into reality

Dude, the point wasn’t that those were “winning arguments”, the point is that every single one of those statements is measurably true, and yet each of them is a partial, skewed point.

you ignored the part of the argument where I said the average distance of a CG shot from the crosshairs is shorter in Q2

I don’t accept your unfounded premise

Like, your own screenshot shows VERY clearly the Q2 CG groups shots much, much closer together while Doom’s arc is wider.

holding the button on the SMG physically moves the crosshairs up

Now playing

you weren’t talking about the gun being, you know, precise as in the bullets going where you want them to go, you were talking about tap-shooting it for precision.