
here’s the grouping on the minigun in Q2

Except for the blaster, the hyperblaster, the rocket launcher, the minigun and the railgun.

Doom is not a full on mouselook RPG without autoaim, no matter how much you love your mods and source ports

Like, you’ve latched on to “popularity” being a thing you vaguely remember

GOG and Steam’s releases of Q2 are equally accessible just differing in popularity

One of the stores being more *popular* than the other doesn’t change how *accessible* the product is.

I mentioned the GOG version instead

I recommend using it with the GOG install, you get the original soundtrack that way, which is missing from the Steam version.

I swear, you’re trying so hard to sound tough and dismissive, and it’s *adorable*.

You do realize basically your entire post is just misquotes, right?

So yeah, I’m gonna need a little more.

kinda haven’t made any other points. Like, at all.

Seems like that could be the entire underlying reason to retcon Ms. Pacman out of existence in favor of Pac Mom?

Wait, you went and counted the asymmetrical maps that used to be “30+” now?

I let this go last time, but man, the fact that you counted how many of the maps are symmetrical worries me.

These were your exact words I responded to:

Which, you know, Doom’s levels aren’t.

Doom’s levels, which are semi-deliberately full of symmetrical levels and identical corridors

On one thing we agree, this conversation about Doom’s difficulty and controls is pretty superfluous,

The percentage of people getting into remapping the barely usable default arrow keys setup was tiny, let alone people using external software to make the mouse usable at all.