
I’m just curious as to WHY people were picking Zane over the other three in the first place. I don’t contest that he’s the weakest in end-game.

And the guy who created GIFs wanted them to be pronounced JIFs.

MGSV said it at the start of every mission.  So around 50 times.

I can’t believe they’d blow off a company that works with Devolver Digital don’t they know what Nina FUCKING Struthers will do to them!?

But in all seriousness, shitty bosses are everywhere, big companies, little companies, mom and pop stores, literally everywhere. That’s why employees need unions.

Oh poor Barret, the direction of your voice work fucking sucks. Everything else looks pretty great.

Given the reviews that I’ve read haven’t exactly been glowing, I would suspect part of this more about “who can we trust not to ream us up the ass when it turns out the game is just as buggy as we think it is” than it is about “OMG - they leaked the plot that we also revealed in the trailers” security.

so if you love BL you will probably love this one, and if you dislike the old games you will probably dislike this one.

I feel like this question comes up at least once a year. I pray that War Groove being a hit caught Nintendo’s attention, but I won’t begin to guess what they’re thinking. If they were smart, they’d yank it out of Intelligent Systems hands and let Chuckle Fish take a stab at it.

Boss fights are a relic of an era when players could breeze through games in an evening if there weren’t difficulty bottlenecks every other level or so. There really is no good reason to put them in a game where the main campaign runs twelve hours or longer. They’ve stuck around because of this infantile notion that

When I was a kid, I picked Toad because my platforming skills were razor-honed, so his swiftness was the greatest benefit to me. These days I’d probably pick Peach or Luigi because I don’t have the time to master every game I play.

% chance doesn’t even really help the problem of loot boxes. It’s like is cigarettes were sold in high schools, but to push back people demanding they stop selling them in schools, they put a little warning label on it that just says “Your chance of death will go up X% by smoking.” Targeting addicts and children will

Errr... it specifically says paid loot drop boxes in the second paragraph without respect to whether a game is single or multiplayer.


Let me claim to be pro consumers and rage against a major corporation for doing shitty crap while worshiping another major corporation that does the exact same thing AND is a defacto monopoly. I am totally for the true epic gamers because I bully and harass developers for putting their game on one store instead of

I got plenty of issues with the Epic Games store but man that is not the fucking point here. An indie developer was utterly and viciously harassed over the weekend for no good reason and all you can say is how people don’t get why you hate EGS? Fucking hell, dude. Get some god damned perspective and GROW THE FUCK UP!

Do you consider the things that this article describes happening to be “legitimate criticism”?

I said everything I needed or wanted to say about the entitlement that informs EGS rage (and no, I’m not an EGS fan—but come the fuck on) in the previous story on Ooblets.

The only thing I feel a need to add at this point is: if a person’s argument in defense of issuing death threats/sexist epithets/mocked-up photos

I’m glad you mentioned the disingenuous “consumer” thing these people keep saying because they were never going to buy this cutesy lo-fi game about collecting dancing plants on any platform. It’s just straight up lying to make yourself look like you have a stake when in reality you have none.

“While some of what I’ve said was definitely bad for PR, I stand behind it. A portion of the gaming community is indeed horrendously toxic, entitled, immature, irrationally-angry, and prone to joining hate mobs over any inconsequential issue they can cook up. That was proven again through this entire experience. It

I’m not a fan of the practices of any of these platforms with the exception of Apple, Android, Steam, EA, Epic and all of them are all trying to create walled gardens where they can reduce price competition while keeping the retailer cut as high as possible.