
This is much dumber. At least with the console wars people would conceivably have invested at least a couple hundred bucks into one side or other. If your chosen console fizzled out, your “investment” would lose potential utility. All that said, the console wars were still very stupid.

When was Tetris Effect ever promoted as coming to Steam? I like to think I’m following VR game releases pretty well and the first time I ever heard about it coming to PC at all it was going to be on EGS.

“I know this whole Epic exclusivity thing is pretty divisive even though I don’t really understand why...”

Epican do what Steamay not! 

I’m seeing quite a few people going the “Tencent Boogieman” route in the comments, and an exclusives is an exclusive no matter how you try and dress it up otherwise so if they’re tolerated (often happily) on one platform, but not on another, then that’s quite the hypocrisy.  

But they’re not *really* exclusives anyways

This is no different than games only being able to be played through steam, an exclusivity arrangement that Gamers seem to have absolutely no problem with whatsoever. But that’s because their actual concerns aren’t really about privacy or really about exclusivity, or really about Chinese Super Spies studying their

*MY* Launcher launches my games more Launchy-er than YOURS!

Curiously, Epic is the only launcher that offers regional pricing where I live - meaning games from there are almost always much cheaper, in some cases equaling a 70% discount compared with Steam.

This is the new Sega vs. Nintendo argument, and it’s just as fucking stupid as it has been with each uttering of bullshit from console fanboys over the decades. 

Gamers Complain About Insignificant Change That In No Way Has a Tangible Negative Effect On Their Lives, More at 11.

Myopic Dude Thinks Things That Are Common Knowledge in His Subreddit Are Common Knowledge Everywhere, news at 11:01. 

No hdmi output? Can you still connect external controllers with bluetooth?

“There are too many games. Which also means there are too many people developing them.”

this is such a weird way of thinking, it’s like saying there’s too much art or too many books. there’s an audience for everything, no one writes a book or makes a game expecting EVERYONE to experience it, all that matters is that

“I will out-love your hate,” Tlaib responded. 

What she really just needs to stop tweeting and get to work for the people.”

I mean this sounds like Florida.

“You can’t fight in here! This is the [fighting tournament] room!”

Seriously. Can you imagine the wave of reaction to a video of a 46 year old black dude holding down a 13 year old white boy? And then threatening to hit his 16 year old white sister while she records him because she won’t shut up? Fuckin’ hell, I think several entire states may just simply self-combust.

I read auto-chess and I instantly thought it was a some form of new take on Chess that plays by itself. I know I’m getting old when shit like that annoys me. The game of Chess is already taken for thousands of years, find another fucking name for your genre...and get off my lawn.

Living in Southern California and not knowing at least SOME Spanish is inexcusable... getting upset about Spanish language music will likely drive you to a heart attack before 30. Not to mention the fact that the spanish language music is actually created in and borne of this region, and I’m pretty sure the closest