
Honestly, fuck emotes. I don’t even wanna see people spamming emotes in a non-racist context, let alone a racist one. They’re tacky and not particularly worth all this crap.

Even if Epic’s system wasn’t banning people, a lot of banks and credit card companies will block the transactions or put a hold on your card if you make several purchases from the same online store in a short timeframe. Then you have to call customer service and sit on hold in order to clear the purchases and/or

Or maybe spreading the generalization that a person’s moral character can be gleaned from their appearance is just an excuse to shun people because they’re ugly or dress unfashionably.

That’s only because Apple hasn’t gotten into console gaming yet.

To be fair, Gangsta’s Paradise was probably a half-assed bid for 90s nostalgia rather than an honest attempt to be with the times.

Honestly it can be a nice experience to stumble into an enjoyable classic game you overlooked after years of feeling like you’ve seen everything. And I don’t think there’s any point in having regrets when you just didn’t have time/attention to appreciate those games when they were new.

I literally skipped every generation of handhelds after OG Gameboy. At the time, I just hit the age where I’d rather have a discman and pack of CDs on the bus to school than a game system. By the time tiny MP3 players were a thing, if I was in transit I was driving and couldn’t play games.

I mean, all you’re saying is it DOES have gimmicks but they’re all optional. Which is fine. But at its heart, the Switch is really just an evolution of the Wii U (they just added battery power to the tablet), so there was good reason for people to be apprehensive.

That idea actually dates back to the original Zelda on famicom, where yelling into the mic in the controller wiped out all Pols Voice enemies (the rabbit-like enemies with the big ears).

It’s a course correction of a course correction. Ep 7 came in with a recycled Ep4 plotline dressed up in typical JJ Abrams mystery box bullshit. Rian Johnson tried to get away from the recycled fanfic elements of Ep7, though I don’t think the way he did it really worked. Now Abrams is making the sequel to Ep7 he

This is how you know gamers like to bitch more than put their money where their mouth is and find a practical solution. If all the complaining about DRM, launchers, walled gardens, and so forth leveled towards Steam/Epic/Uplay/Origin/etc. were really sincere, then why didn’t everyone flock to GOG a long time ago?

If GOG goes out of business for any reason, you’re left with nothing unless you made backups.

This is why I don’t play AAA campaigns anymore.

Clearly a riff on:

This game actually looks pretty cool. As someone who’s always on the lookout for co-op games, I definitely would have tried it if I’d known it existed prior to now.

Eh, look at what is happening ALL over the internet these days. Everyone is complaining that businesses like Steam, Facebook, Amazon, Youtube, etc. have too much power and their bad decisions effect everyone. But since these business have little or no competition, they have no motivation to change.

Boycott means “I wait 2 weeks before I preorder”.

For me it was less of a hard line where everything went bad, and more like a meandering slow slide.

This is such a common theme in the industry in recent years; using the wrong engine for the job because someone upstairs wanted to skip licensing fees. Then in the end the added development time trying to squash bugs, and sales lost to bugs that slipped through, wind up costing them more money than the licensing would

Eh, both Siege and Battleborn had issues that drove players away in the beginning. In both cases the possibility was there to solve the issues and bring people back, given enough money. Ubi was committed to doing that, and 2K wasn’t.