
Siege came out in 2015 and is still going strong

Yeah, look at Paladins, which was in closed beta months before OW and then did an official F2P release 6 months after OW. It had its fair share of negative comparisons with OW, but the difference in concurrent players is night-and-day.

On BL2 launch I had a very middling PC (Radeon 6950, 8gb RAM) and was running two instances simultaneously on two displays so my girlfriend and I could play co-op without a second computer. Granted, both screens were capped at 60hz, but through the whole game we only saw minor dips in a few extremely busy scenes. We

The huge point you missed in all of those games was that interactions between humans and animal people were rare.

The hilarious thing to me is that in FFTA/TA2 ALL races are gender-locked, including far as your generic recruits are concerned. There are story characters who are human females, but you can’t just hire human females to your party like in OG FFT.

Hmm, I know the entry-level Bodum french presses are supposed to be true borosilicate, but I’ve still had them bust open on me as the plunger comes down, after just a couple years of service.

Yeah, Netflix has problems, but when I get sick of them, I just go to Amazon or Hulu. Yes it’s annoying to need 3 subscriptions for the same function, but it’s still cheaper and less annoying than the bloated cable packages of yore with hundreds of networks pedaling even more hit-or-miss content.

It used to be we had to teach our parents to use Firefox and Gmail instead of Internet Explorer and Outlook. Now we have to teach our parents to look for movies on Amazon instead of complaining that Netflix didn’t have it EVERY TIME WE TALK.

The role of entertainment critic has been eroded across all mediums since digital downloads and streams began. Why defer to someone else’s opinion which might not align with yours, if it’s so cheap and instantaneous to just try the stuff yourself? Without having to drive somewhere to get it, you can do a 5 minute test

and stop making day one purchases on dubious games and being shocked when they turn out to be disappointing and unfinished

I spent the summer of 1999 living in 1987 listening to The Cure and Depeche Mode because “new music” of the 90s had gone terrible.

In my experience, if you live in a neighborhood where the older kids are firing guns in the air for fun, then the younger kids are frequently setting off fireworks in the street when it’s not a holiday. Sometimes you will also hear drunk people yelling outside and not know whether it’s all in good fun or a serious alte

Star Fox 1 syndrome.

It’s that line between just knowing you need a strong shotgun and telling a guy you prefer guns that use 5.56 because they fly straighter.

Musicians can also just use plugins like Sonic Charge Bitspeak to emulate it too.

He was hoping that one drop of coffee wouldn’t do anything.

Are people seriously still complaining about the Wii’s graphics in 2019?

Yeah, I was always disappointed I didn’t get Project Justice till way late and couldn’t get any of my friends into it. To compensate, I included Kyosuke in my CvS2 roster every match just because I could.

You mean the system with last-gen 480p graphics capabilities that didn’t include a traditional gamepad? My friend literally gave me a Wii for free, and two consecutive girlfriends owned Wiis, and yet despite being a long-time Capcom fighting fan, I just couldn’t be bothered to try this game.