
So basically, Luigi is Tingle now?

That’s like saying that working from home doesn’t truly eliminate commuting because you still have to walk from your bed to your desk in the morning.

When the Wii U was first announced, I kinda expected it would be more of an evolution of the GBA->GC link concept, geared around multiplayer games like Four Swords Adventures and Crystal Chronicles where players can swap between the shared TV and their own personalized screen depending on what’s going on in the game.

Honestly even the Wii U would look like a bizarre failed experiment if the Switch hadn’t revamped the same concept into a successful venture.

The upgrade past discs has been to abandon physical media altogether and go with digital downloads. As someone who went PC-only in 2011, the annoyances of discs seems like an irrelevant forgotten relic of the 2000s - like public music sources assuming you actually want to hear Nickelback.

By the same token, all the outrage over Steam being “flooded with bad games” seems totally overblown to me. As someone who uses Steam’s search engine regularly to hunt for niche games, finding stuff really doesn’t feel any different now than circa 2011. The well-regarded games always float to the top of search

[insert “show her my Thailand” reference here]

My girlfriend and I recently watched The Village and marveled at how it didn’t seem nearly as bad as it was made out to be when it came out. After thinking about it, I cited The OA for singlehandedly lowering my bar for “bad plot twists” far enough that Shamaylan’s worst twists from last decade feel resoundingly ok by

Or just Ryan Reynolds’ lines from Waiting.

So basically it’s at the adaptation level of Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within, except they skipped the part where they spend millions using CGI to render dialog scenes with zero special effects.

Executive, employee, whoever. Same shit.

You responded arguing against the bad optics, saying they could have just changed them so they weren’t there, which was only a small component of my overall argument. Make Ashe black and instead of being the criminal in this short make her McCree’s friend, I guess? That’s what you seem to be suggesting. Fine. Have it

lol, what point do you think I’m missing?

Yeah, in the ‘games as service’ age, the thrust of balance updates has shifted away from “fixing issues that were missed before release” towards “change for the sake of change”, because making random changes is a cheap substitute for actual new content. Some players have gotten so used to it that they won’t even

Games where the executives

There is no person at Blizzard who sends a bunch of artists an email stating their next character is to be a cowboy female with a robot whose does this, that and also this.

When one of blizzards hundreds of employees comes up with a cool sounding character that happens to hail from Africa, or Egypt, or wherever, that is good diversity. Being offended that the team behind Ashe made a strong female gunslinger white instead of black is bad diversity. It’s fake and completely shallow

having the first black woman character be an outlaw criminal who gets owned by pretty white cowboy goodie goodie McCree would be a pretty shitty look too.

Back in the 90s, many on the right decided David Koresh was a hero for standing up to the federal government on assault weapons, in spite of his penchant for sleeping with underage girls while claiming to be the messiah.

Yeah, there’s been a surge of new blood in the scene in the last few years, and it’s definitely because the veterans like Jonas are happy to help/encourage newbies to improve, rather than just horde their knowledge and keep a closed-loop playing field.