
Yeah, but the Doom and Wolfenstein games in question are current-gen titles. When Dark Souls came out, the original Wii was Nintendo’s current console. In other words, the game is basically two generations old and Switch still can’t run it at optimal performance.

It’s cause the Chinese took all the Pokemon trainer jobs.

Exactly. In games like Quake when you get popped in the air with i.e. a rocket, you can still aim and shoot, you have some degree of air control, so have some ability to roll with the punches and defend yourself.

Sure, but they could word that heads up in a way that doesn’t suggest that all of VR is worthless to all players due to motion sickness

What are the odds that you can plug in two PSVR’s to play this game co-op?

Plus, didn’t they already pay damages to Sega and Fox over that debacle? I’d say they took their punishment for that already.

Ideally the options should be:

Just because one group of people may be offended by a particular theme in one game doesn’t mean that everyone is obligated to be equally offended by some other completely different theme in a different game.

Are you really suggesting the world is complicated and other people should be listened to, whilst making a extremely simplistic generalization of a huge swath of people who didn’t vote the way you wanted?

Sure, fuck the people who didn’t vote the way you wanted. Their opinion doesn’t matter. Isn’t that the mentality of authoritarianism?

At this point I’m fine if they spend the whole movie retconing Thomas Wayne in a completely contrary way, as long as we don’t have to watch him get shot for the 6th (or 7th?) time in Batman’s cinematic history.

I am a big fan of the kind of games Tomb Raider represents...

Maybe because the emulation community has been playing Dr. Mario and River City Random online for years. That’s really where so much of the criticism of official retro ports comes from these days; invariably the official ports are charging you money for a game you already owned to get an inferior version of features

Yeah, Youtube has not been nearly forward-thinking enough about their growth strategies. They wanted to find a way to get people to pay for YT content, so they took the pre-internet cable TV approach of making over-produced “premium” versions of a handful of popular channels. For the customer, it feels like your money

You’re ruining my head canon wherein Pong was invented by a wacky cousin of George W Bush.

eh, crate puzzles aren’t predatory in the same way microtransactions are. Tons of puzzle-based games continue to include block/crate pushing because the trope works well. Gameplay design is based on what’s fun, not on what sounds like original writing. Classic gameplay like Tetris or Super Mario Bros doesn’t suddenly

Yeah, they’re just sorry they got called out for it.

What a dumpster fire of a game title. What’s the sequel going to be called? Rise of the Shadow of the Retribution of the Tomb Raider: Infinite?

It seems like the N64's processing power was a bottleneck on what could be done visually with disc storage. They originally planned to make Ocarina way more combat-heavy with around 500 mo-capped sword animations stored on disc, but then they realized they couldn’t load the animations fast enough for smooth gameplay.

Yeah, I uninstalled the app soon after getting my latest phone 2 years ago, simply because it generates way too many bullshit notifications. I don’t need my phone vibrating its way out of my pocket because some dude I met at a party once 8 years ago, and haven’t talked to since, had a birthday.