
Not racist, but with the hyper sensitivity to race today (not a bad thing!) it’s easy to get confused about what is racist and genuine curiosity about other cultures.

I considered that. If that’s really the case it’s fucking weird that FB would be tracking us that closely that it could pair a one night stand together. I wonder how many other people this happens to though. I can’t compare this to anyone else’s experience though so I don’t know to what extend this happens. In my

Since we’re all sharing FB creep stories ... here’s something that’s kind of intimate to share, but whatever. I hook up and travel a lot. If I’m home or in a new city I’ll fire up Grindr (gay hook up app), invite a dude over, engage in sex, and then forget about him and move on. Within a few days he’ll almost always po

Looks like a good time. I love watching this type of shit when I’m on acid but I can never seem to get a consistent stream of it going. I recently just discovered the weirdness of Adult Swim (thanks to y’all) so I think I have some good content to watch while I’m on my next trip. Anyways, I just bought shrooms today

Are there more people who don’t find any of these scary? Horror as a genre just never does it for me, but I do love watching them. Hell, I think some of these films are more in the drama genre than in horror (The Witch, Black Swan, the Orphanage).

Not just private colleges - public universities too. My public college covered my tuition and fees (bus fee, athletic fee, environmental fee, etc.) but I was still charged with covered my own room, board, and associated class costs (books, etc.). Wish it was a complete package :(

Great quote! Humanity has been telling stories for millennia. It’s all just a rehash of something else. It reminds me of something like “comedians” on Twitter getting super pissed off and defensive when someone else “steals” their jokes - as if another person in comedy couldn’t have been able to reach the same joke on

That’s good. I’m tired of billionaires and ultra rich hoarding their wealth during their lifetime only to do some bullshit cop out at the end of their days like opening a museum and donating their art collections or buying a new building at their alma mater. I was at LACMA this weekend and room and after room of

“Dumbledore uses roller skates instead of walking. I never mentioned it in the books because it wasn’t relevant to Harry’s journey.”

Isn’t this game just a copy of LIMBO? It’s art work and mechanics certainly look like it.

Which keeps you wondering - why do movie execs green light this shit? I guess if your studio is part of some major conglomerate it’s easy enough to write off $XX millions as a loss and still keep having a career, but no one at Rovio said “Hmm.....maybe we shouldn’t produce this.”. All that wealth but no common sense.

Yeah, it did but it was still a cooler mp3 player than iPod. Slick interface but bad marketing and the mess that is windows media player.

Zune. Way cooler but you know....having to deal with Microsoft......

Yeah - future of smart homes is on your phones not some box like Alexa or whatever Google put out. If you look at Apple’s history - even during the Jobs era - they don’t excel in creating must have “solution” software, which is what a smart home needs. Their success is in building a stable OS platform in a great

People who are calling you a dick are parents who think their cherubic angelic child needs to be protected form the worlds evils at all costs. Fuck kids - and doubly fuck babies. They’re the worst. Loud and annoying and parents feel entitled to any and all space for their child. Ugh. Can’t stand them.

Both. I signed up to drive for Uber just for Halloween (figured it would be a lucrative time to earn in order to cover what would be an insanely high bar tab). The last ride I gave a sorority girl threw up on the outside of my car with some splashing inside. Reported it to Uber and a few hours later got a notice

Try $400. Halloween 2015. Austin, Texas. Ugh.

Uhm. Have you been paying attention to Republican rhetoric this cycle? Or the last cycle? Or the one before that? No way does that narrative shift.

T-Mobile did introduce advanced messaging which is essentially iMessage for Android. I don’t think it really went anywhere and no way would Apple adopt that standard. Though it would be really cool to have. I always thought that by this point in the smartphone ecosystem we would have one unifying app for communication