
I was thinking the same thing too. Small comment but - I think its the second or third week of march when this whole thing starts to get on peoples radar. Boyfriend who works in E.R., starts to complain about not being able to taste/smell ANYTHING and feeling exhausted. Figure its because work is just very busy.

Helping robots lay fiber doesn’t pay for private care ..... This struck me as the most eerie. Even in the future there is no universal healthcare.

Thank you! I had no clue what the differences were! Makes sense. I’ll wait to see if they update the Studio3 in the coming months. On-ear doesn’t sound comfortable. 

I’m considering purchasing a second pair, and having one dedicated to office use and one for home use, but the line up naming is really confusing to me. I cant tell a difference between Solo Pro and Studio3 Wireless other than a $50 price tag and slightly different design and build quality (though Solo Pro seems to be

Eh wrong. I’ve never bought this argument. The onus of researching a major investment is on the buyer. This isn’t like a used car where there’s no way of knowing whether your investment is a bust until you actually have it. Verifying the information is literally as easy as calling your local gov’s tax/building/planning

Or even WORSE - people that Facetime, but then are never actually looking at the screen, just holding the phone and using it as a speakerphone ..... HUH?!?!

Same. I’m on the upgrade program but skipped last years cycle so I finish paying my X off this month. It’s still a stellar piece of hardware in every sense. I really really really really want the new ones now because duh shiny new toy, but also ehhh. I think after the initial wave of excitement passes there’ll be a

I firmly believe Siri should respond with a photo of Harriet Tubman in a PussyHat when you ask her if she’s a feminist.

Matador State Beach in Malibu, CA.

The single thing I hate most about our gay enclaves. It was mmm 2 years ago but my boyfriend and I broke up and he promptly moved to New Orleans 3 weeks after our separation. A few months pass and I’m still feeling disoriented by the sudden shift in my life, both in my physical day to day like not having a grocery

Also a difference is that Amazon was able to produce some (small) quarterly profits during its early expansion period to quell investor fears about profitability (you’re right, creating ground up infrastructure and supply chains is massively expensive which is why it hemorrhaged cash for years, and has faced mild

Wow. Such terrible, nasty things about David Koch in these comments. Instead of such vitriol let’s all bow our heads and wish the Koch brothers a quick and speedy reunion.

Apple going ‘clean’ could either be - ok let’s make it family friendly, or ‘let’s deal with adult topics without being overtly excessive in filming and showing them’. I wouldn’t mind the latter approach. There’s so much excess ‘adult’ material on tv now it’s kind of played out. I mean, people being tortured, abused,

Charlie the Constitution gleefully sings about civil liberties then gets kidnapped and beat up in an alley by members of the Supreme Court that then report back to a conspiratorial group of Senators. Sounds like a thrill. 

Eh - if/when a recession hit the housing market will take be hurt but not in the way you’re implying. 2008 was a GLUT of speculative housing. The problem now is that there isn’t enough housing to accommodate for the explosive growth superstar/star cities (i.e. LA, Austin) have experienced since 2006. The economic pie

Yeah, I agree it’s really hard to maintain that high drama past one or two seasons without venturing into the realm of “You’re overdoing it”. But episodic TV series as in days past are boring :(

Yup! Surprised nobody else mentioned how kick ass Debrox with the little ear irrigation bulb can be. I use it once every six or so months and I flush out any impacted wax or whatever that may have accumulated. It’s really amazing (and really gross, but also amazing). 

Financial investment wise there is no break even point in the foreseeable future just “We will be losing less money over time, maybe... but look at how big our operations are scaling!”. A big chunk of that $5.2B loss comes from stock based compensation Uber had to pay to employees as they cash-out. The company line is

Also - am I allowed to say a scientist is hot? Or is that comment a no-no. I mean, obviously - fantastic work and so happy to have a Mexican national doing great things - all that goes without saying lol

Side note: just Googled said physicist and - he’s kinda hot? In a 90's-take-the-glasses-off-and-get-a-hair-cut-now-you’re-hot way.