
Yes, I would disagree with it. First 60 - 70 billion is not even close to what the US actually spends on conservation. In 2012 the US gov spent $1.7 billion through the Endangered Species Act (probably a little bit more in the subsequent years, but not much). Of that $1.7 billion budget - or $5.40/American - $307

A classic case of Tragedy of the Commons. A shared resource (in this case exotic animals) will be mined for a users self interest, going against the common good, to maximize efficiency until the resource is depleted through collective individual misuse.

Don’t tell him facts. He’s a nut job conspiracy theorist. It’s kind of sadly pathetic honestly.

Hope you’re with her too ;)

Just google “guy fucks a snake”.

So you moved your conspiracy theories to Gizmodo since you got done shilling for Sanders over on Gawker? By the way did Sanders get the nomination like you were so feverishly nailing everyone about? No? I guess all that bullshit you were spewing out onto the screen was for naught. Oh well.

Yes! It was cheesy then and it’s cheesy now.

I really like that the city has planted a lot more trees. Wish they would have stuck with those beautiful detailed street lamps though. The minimal metal poles we see now not just in LA but around the country are boring and uninspiring.

No receipts. I just thought they mentioned it on last night episode. Media outlets are saying both camps were in California though.

Eh. It depends on location. If he was recording in NYC for example he wouldn’t have broken the law since NY is a one person consent state (I believe). If he was recording in CA at the time he broke the law since CA is a two person consent state. I believe he was in NYC though since it was mentioned in last nights

Shut the fuck up. People like you are the worst.

So many people take a shit on Casey for these articles it’s like some sort of Sploid meme at this point. I for one really enjoy the things he puts up because it’s usually interesting and something I otherwise wouldn’t come across during my day.

Shut the fuck up. How about instead of criticizing his content you just don’t click on it. You know this is the type of of articles he puts up (much like other writers in Gawker have a niche they fill). You don’t have to be a dirty gaping prolapsed asshole about it .... but I get the feeling you really like putting

Hyperbole and sarcasm ≠ false equivalence. There’s a difference between rhetorical devices and logical fallacies that you might want to brush up on.

The 3.5mm headphone jack is not ‘tech’. It is a staple of our planet. Something that is used on a daily basis by MILLIONS upon MILLIONS of people and businesses alike.

I won’t think of it that way because you’re a total dumb ass and that is literally the stupidest analogy I’ve ever read. Comparing a theoretical mandate by the US Government to Apple potentially dropping the headphone jack is such false equivalence. For one - if Apple dropped the headphone jack you are free to take

People are dying in civil wars - so.... just keep that in perspective when you start shitting on the (unconfirmed) removal of the headphone jack. Just use an adapter or buy a different phone, it’s really not that big of a deal. Or keep the iPhone 6S! It’ll continue to be a perfectly capable phone in the future, and it

I didn’t say I don’t understand why people are upset - I just think it’s silly to be so worked up over a headphone jack. You’re not going to have the peripherals you have now for the rest of your life. It’s like people getting mad over the removal of the floppy disk or the CD drive. It may cause discomfort in the

Wow lots of angry people here. I don’t really think it’s that big of a deal honestly. Tech changes and any sensible person can see that we’ve been shifting into the wireless future for a while now. I welcome this development, and hope that this shift is what pushes manufactures into getting serious about investing

That’s such a cliched story telling device though. It’s the GoT brand not PBS Story Hour. If they keep producing GoT-related stuff post show I really doubt they’ll go that route. Just tell the story and keep it going.