
Isn’t it 4? Messenger, Google Voice, Hangouts, and now Allo.

Apple really should implement a timeframe for developers to update their apps to new screen sizes. The Watch ABC app still isn’t updated even after almost 2 years of the Plus being on the market.

Yup. I know friends who always have a case on theirs (not otter box or anything like that but still a good case) and they always end up with cracked screens 6 months into their new iPhone. I’ve had every iPhone since the 5 and never use a case - and even through a perpetually drunk and intoxicated 4 years of college I

Probably have parts of the display be just a display - have a two millimeter border not react to touch and that be the “bezel”.

Consensus seems to be that IAH has pretty good wait times. Nothing extreme like these other places. Shouldn’t be too bad.

Thanks for the info! I really appreciate it. Austin to Houston isn’t the worst drive as far as Texas standards go, but I always feel really anxious when I’m driving out of the city day of to catch a flight somewhere else. The consensus seems to be IAH has pretty decent wait times so that assuages a lot of the anxiety.

I’ve always thought of that as an overly simplified term that disregards the important trends of evolutions and nuances like the importance of nutrition in relation to physical development. It’s like the retort to evolution that goes “Well if we share common ancestors with primates why aren’t monkeys building cities

Has anyone flown out of IAH recently? I have a 6 am Sunday flight and I’ll be driving in from Austin so wondering how bad IAH gets compared go Bergstrom in order to plan how early I need to leave. I’ve never flown out of Houston, but had to this time since tickets from Austin to my destination were nearly double the

Was thinking the same thing. It can’t just be a genetic thing that she has 24/7.

The bar fell off - I assume it got charred and yeah.....

This didn’t show Dany ruling it showed her doing what she does best which is getting large armies and followers. Doesn’t mean she knows how to rule sh*t.

Agreed! Anyone who has ever experienced “eventful” transportation will tell you it’s the exact opposite of you want your transportation infrastructure to be.

I wonder if some retina OLED screens would be feasible to install - you wouldn’t even have to have giant panes of them they could be small like airplane windows and they could essentially show what the scenery from the outside looks like. It would go a long way to making a project like this really cool.

Jk Rowling: “dumbledore is rollerblading in every scene. He rollerblades everywhere and hasn’t walked in 30 years. It is never mentioned because it wasn’t relevant to Harry’s journey”

It stuck out like a sore thumb. Just let her breasts fly! It’s Lady Liberty not Pam Anderson.

I think it has a lot to do with the shading of the world. me_on_the_left from reddit did some light shading tweaks and I think it looks significantly improved over the very bright and cartoon like feel of the released screen shots. I do think the varying sizes are an improvement though as you can very easily tell

You’re terrible. And I’m terrible for cackling at this.

It’s crazy cheap if you book at certain times. Right now you can get a flight from Dallas to Las Vegas for $73. If you’re not near a big city then yeah it sucks flying those regional carriers, but if you live near any decent sized city you can score some good flight deals.

They did mention cosmetics a couple of times - and almost the entirety of the cosmetics industry is targeted at women. Although I firmly believe it’s a shame more men don’t wear makeup (some could definitely stand to benefit from it) it’s understandable why they would use a female model to show practical applications.

I’m so glad Lady Olenna popped up! Her and Varys are my two favorite speakers on the show, and no one can throw shade like her.