
I think it’s very obvious where Sam’s story line is going to go - I’m not a book reader and I don’t follow online theories but I did binge the series recently so a lot of stuff is still fresh in my mind. There were two small scenes with Sam back in season 3 that pretty much explain what his plot is going to be going

If there’s one character who can wriggle her way out of a sticky situation it’s Osha, and she’s also fiercely loyal to the Stark’s so I think the chances of Rickon making it alive are pretty good.

I was kind of suspicious of Margaery in the beginning. She seemed like a mini Cersei to me - she wanted the crown so bad and seemed like she would do anything. But seasons wore on and she still wanted the crown, but she also proved to be a complete and total sweetheart. Natalie Dormer has done a great job with her.

More like Varys and Lady Olenna.

Hopefully he’s lost the boring ass storyline he’s had for 7 seasons ...

Now playing

You get end up getting product placement like this and it becomes jarring and pulls you out of the film you’re watching. Personally, my problem with a lot of product placement is that films and movies are outlets meant to entertain and engage the audience in a creative manner. The sole purpose of advertisements on the

Same here! I’ve passed on so many products because the reviews seemed very sketchy, automated, polished and robotic. If actual people had posted reviews, mistakes and run on sentences and all, I would have most likely purchased the product. Though I do wonder how everyone gets all this free stuff. I wouldn’t mind

It threw me out of the world building too. That and Jamie saying “fuck” several times in his conversation with Cersei. It was a very jarring moment.

Was thinking the same thing too. The reaction would not have been at the level it was if it had been an old man on screen instead of a woman. It’s a shame every one of those people missed the gravity of that scene. For me it was one of the strongest scenes out of GoT. The framing, the set, the music, the reveal, the

That was seriously the stupidest comment I’ve ever read. Not yours! The parent you were referring to. When I read that comment you referred to I rolled my eyes so hard they almost popped out of my head. Peoples lack of awareness never ceases to amuse.

I do hope Jon stays dead like the show runners have been saying for months now. He’s such a boring character! Everyone else is dynamic in their path of growth or demise but Jon has remained static throughout every single season. He has an unfailing conscience that always points North. He always knows what the right

What an insightful and measured comment. Other people have different tastes than you - get over it.

I thought it was poison. Remember that scene a few seasons back when someone poisoned the wine with a little clear liquid and she drank it just fine while the other person died? I forgot who it was - so long ago. Still - it was crazy to see her so torn down.

Eh. It was an underwhelming album for me. I watched 30 minutes of Lemonade then switched to something else. “Daddy Lessons” was by far the best though.

It’s just a business decision. Lemonade is exclusive to Tidal which Jay purchased. It’s not like she’s hurting for cash. If she really was angry at Jay Z she would have released it on Apple Music as an exclusive or something just as a big Fuck You to him. I’m sure they had some disagreements in their marriage,

I can’t picture that happening at all even with the White Walkers knocking at their door. Every last one of the great houses is in it for themselves and the rest can just fuck off. If House A was in Kings Landing and House B was outside the city gates getting pummeled by the White Walkers no way in hell would House A

Same boat as you. I don’t think Season 5 should really be criticized like it is. Could things have been done better? Sure, there’s always room for improvement but people need to look at the bigger picture. The acquisition of power makes for an infinitely more interesting story than the balance of it (which is really

They are a historic moment in cinema - these superhero filler movies really represent the decline in movies as the visual format gold standard for story telling to television which is now producing stories of far greater caliber and interest than anything Hollywood has put out in years. Superhero films are definitely

C’mon it’s not like people come to any of the Gawker sites for the articles. It’s all about the assholes in the comment like you and me and the discussions that take place.
