
The tow absolutely most boring, plastic, vanilla white actors teaming up —- fuck. The collective ego farts of bloggers who are going to be stanning them will be too much for the collective world to handle.

People don’t give the 2000's the fashion credit it deserves honestly.The scene kid movement was such a fashion moment! Raccoon hair, scene names, crazy color teased hair, pc4pc/f4f, ‘Fer Sure’ by the Medic Droid, so much eyeliner you looked like you had two black eyes, studded white belts and neon skinny jeans with

I don’t think it really caused that big of an upheaval. Did it manifest and curate racism, create fear, etc.? Sure yeah, but it didn’t really drastically change the system. By the time President Obama took office everyone was already sick and tired of the war. Vietnam lasted 2 decades and a decade after the towers

I think the 2000's was a pretty fun fashion moment actually. It was unabashed experimentation. Everyone was encouraged to look like a hot trashy ass spray tanned mess and everyone was ok with it. Really 2011 is when we started to become obsessively conscious of our appearance and start to move into the controlled

I certainly hope Jon Snow stays permanently dead. Out of everyone in GoT he was the most boring, two dimensional, static, no growth character. He was always so predictable with his unfailing moral compass and the amount of screen time he got always annoyed me. The only other character that was as boring as he was was

According to Gallup the Court maintains a popular 45% approval rating, Congress has an 84% disapproval rating. Republicans blocking the nomination of a Justice to the Court would spell assured disaster for them in the midterms. They’ve always been able to conveniently bullshit stuff, but bullshitting a Justice

You’re right - he’s as moderate as they come which is the reason Garland will eventually get confirmed when Republicans see that a Democratic win is inevitable in November. If the vote miraculously looks like it will swing to Republicans then they won’t confirm. If it looks like it will swing to Dems then last minute

Well her whole mindset is that the Iron Throne should go to the Targaryen lineage. By birthright it belongs to her, or so her reasoning goes, and whoever else sits on it is a traitor. She’ll make it back to Kings Landing and Westerns because then her whole story line would be a huge waster, and in this series pretty

Those were the bane of my existence when I was a kid in Mexico. My cousins were alway sooooo good at making theirs stay still in one spot or last a long time and mine just flopped all over the place and spun for like 5 seconds. I would get so mad I’d cry.

Nothing dark about weed but it’s just a different direction for Spider Man to go into outside of the squeaky clean good relationship with his grandparents thing the studios always play him off as. Imagine Peter Parker dabbling in recreational drugs like a lot of angsty teenagers do - what if he was flying around on

I agree - at this point everyone knows the story of Peter Parker but the movies just can’t seem to move past that very specific point in his life. Early 2000's Spider Man centered around that, re-boot Spider Man centered around that. I wish studios would focus on making this darker since they insist on portraying this

I’m thinking this will impact the Explore page? Or maybe it’s for those people who are following several hundred accounts.

I’m thinking the media/steering controls on the wheel will probably be extra package or exclusive to the higher end models :( they have to upsell, upsell, upsell. In the end profitability is the goal not changing the world.

Spoken like a true out of touch old person,

Can’t tell if you’re trolling.... but if you’re not and actually serious I would really recommend you just try some. It’s a versatile, and above all, relaxing substance that carries a lot of misconceptions and negative stereotypes (like it being a gateway drug, addictive, only for the lazy, etc) until you try it and

It was kind of a circus wasn’t it. I wonder what the make up of the crowd was - journalists and just regular enthusiasts? Having a Joe Schmoe that’s dazzled by the pretty lights would explain at least some of the constant yelling.

I know you’re kidding but fake plastic surgery is actually a thing that’s becoming more common! It’s relatively easy to procure things like botox on the black market and people (especially those new to cosmetic procedures) will pay comparatively large sums of money for a few injections worth of the stuff. Here’s an

Actually, no. Historically cities have been service centers for the wealthy to work in or play, but the “country” has been where they live. Having the young, wealthy and affluent moving into cities uniformly across the country at a steady rate is a relatively new phenomenon. Cities have homed the working class, or

Later I also will hear a story about janitors coming in one Saturday morning to find the following things in the first-floor men’s room: a bunch of half-empty beers, a huge pool of vomit, and a pair of thong panties. The janitors were not happy. They get even more distressed when, one morning, a twenty-something guy

Saying “This is a way of getting even with people who have harmed and betrayed us. Donald Trump is truly disastrous for us.” Uhm....wat. Trump is not in office he has done nothing to the country of Mexico except make stupid comments about it that in no way have affected it. lol - They should be upset with Mexico’s