
After reading the piece I concluded that Dan Lyon’s is a huge dick. Like seriously, shut the fuck up. I read the whole piece and I still don’t understand what was “hell” about working at HubSpot. His biggest complaints are the work environment was too relaxed, he didn’t agree with the decor, and didn’t like how the

My mom recounts this story of her early 20's when she was dating this very handsome doctor but ultimately broke things off with him because his last name was Sorillo. In Spanish that means skunk and she just didn’t want to be embarrassed by being known as Mrs. Skunk and her little skunky children to the family or

I signed up for it too in the hopes of trying it out once they start producing gay content (it’s for research?). Can’t find a link to where to get a free kit though. Oh well.

8 year old 18 inch laptop..... that thing must weigh a ton!

Really those examples are apples to oranges. Apple is first and foremost a design company and secondly a technology company. They love to remind everyone every opportunity they get how aesthetic is a central part of its DNA. Releasing a nearly half decade old phone design with updated internals is really out of step

I get that internally it’s a new phone but at this point the iPhone 5/S design is nearly a half decade old - a lifetime in tech. For a company that touts its aesthetic vision as central to company DNA Apple slapping new internals to a very old design is a big misstep in my opinion. If it were any other company it

I read the NYT story. It stated that several ISIS fighters didn’t even know the Quran and had to be taught the rules for engaging in the sexual abuse of these women. It just shows that these people are MINOs (Muslims in Name Only) and not actually practitioners of the faith. Several other outlets have reported the

Grow thicker skin and ignore it. If your writing is good and can stand on its own that’s all that really matters. Everything can, and probably will, offend somebody, somewhere, sometime.

A solution to the sensationalism of the Salem trials problem presented here, in my mind, could have been written as ... well sensationalism. My mind sort of went to - well what if Rita Skeeter’s great great great grandfather had been one of the first reporters in Europe to really use yellow journalism as a way to drum

Fuck those people and companies honestly - my last internship in college, which was unpaid, had me doing large portions of work that my higher ups just simply couldn’t do because they didn’t have the technical computer knowledge I did. Sure, they effectively knew more about my field and what not - but nothing I

Not too bad - Austin is such a tiny tiny town though, I don’t think location is really that important when an Uber ride anywhere costs like $10 max.

Everybody Wants Some was actually filmed at my university! You can see my dorm in the trailer and there’s loads of spots it filmed in that I recognized. And yeah - all the actors had this type of hair.

Uber is worth more than Ford and GM. Not exactly a small business.

You’re talking about Balmain.....

His vision is norm core. The antimatter of fashion. Anti-aesthetic as aesthetic, which is really a redundant concept because by identifying his vision as normcore it becomes fashion, high fashion even you could argue, and therefore ceases to be normcore.

Why do the Kardashian’s alway get dragged into comments like this? It takes all consuming dedication and near sociopathic levels of business acumen to flip a closet organizing business into a $300 million dollar family fortune. Pewdiepie caters to the lowest denominator of entertainment on a platform that is created

Alternatively, the LuMee case achieves the same thing as the Ty-Lite case and already comes in iPhone 5 - 6S Plus and Galaxy S6 sizes, 6 different color options, and is $20-$30 less expensive depending on the model phone you have. It’s also favored by a certain famed selfie taker named Kim.

Coincidentally those are my same faces when a partner tries knocking on the back door.

I could see Go Pro being a good fit for Amazon - they’ve already shown interest in drones for delivery I don’t think it would be a big stretch to see them selling their own drones too.