
Sam Smith’s track read too much like a poor copy of Adele’s Skyfall. I agree they should have brought Lana on - she’s got a solid track record of film songs (Young & Beautiful, Once Upon a Dram, Big Eyes) and her voice and style are different enough from Adele’s that there’d be no comparisons.

You can always test drive it! You get an iPhone to try out their network for a week. It’s what my family did when we switched from AT&T to T-Mobile - and saved a load of money. Found our coverage was fine so we made the jump. Portland has Band 12 active in Portland, which the new iPhone supports, which will have

If you’re eating with business - don’t take out your phone! Well, that’s my personal rule anyways. If I really need to check it I excuse myself to the restroom.

My personal rule when eating out at these sorts of establishment is - never take out my iPhone. I know for a lot of us if you don’t post it it’s like it never happened, but it’s nice to enjoy these places through your own senses and not through a view finder.

I still can’t get iCloud Photo Library to work on any of my Apple devices. So there’s that unfortunately.

I doubt it was an accident. He’s so calculated - I’m sure every thing was planned. It’s my personal belief that the hints he dropped prior to his official coming out were carefully calculated so that there could be an acclimation period to his sexuality and not a bombshell.

I took sex ed during 7th, 8th, and 9th grade - mandatory at my high school in Texas. I learned that getting STDs was very common, and if I had sex I was very high risk for catching a life lasting/devastating disease. I never learned anything about the opposite sex, women, or their sexual reproductiveness or health. I

American Dad. It’s easy to digest, I can skip episodes, and when I’m studying it’s a great thing to have in the background and occasionally get distracted by. Also no plots to follow or investment in characters.

There is a lot to do in Dallas and surrounding areas. I’m 21 and gay, but I may be biased because I’ve lived in Texas my whole life so I’ve experienced a lot of what this state has to offer and not much of other places. Dallas has got great barbecue, awesome parks, lots of attractions, super friendly people, and

Additionally I would add that using campus resources is another important tool. Getting a practical degree and then using the resources your school offers to market and get the most out of that degree is what more students should be doing. So many assume that having a degree with a good GPA is all you need for a job.

I think S releases usually have a “wow” feature to them (4s: Siri, 5S: touch ID) that makes them attractive even if that feature is really gimmicky. 3D Touch is that gimmick, and to me it just seems like something that could be done with tweaked multi-touch. Not really exciting, or maybe it’s just that as I get older

I feel the same way! 3D Touch (good thing they changed the name from Force Touch, eww) doesn’t achieve anything some tweaked multi-touch couldn’t do.

That’s the price T-Mobile has quoted for a 16 GB iPhone, they haven’t released details on the pricing for other capacity iPhones ...

I’ve never had any problems with it in the city honestly. Additionally the new iPhones come with Band 12 which allows them to access T-Mob’s 700 MHz spectrum which is live in Austin and which will greatly improve coverage. If you are considering switching to T-Mob and getting a 6S you should definitely research band

I bet! I wonder if live photos will be able to be shared with others via iMessage and what not. It would certainly make sending and receiving photos that much more intimate. I find that to be a more impressive feature than 3D Touch honestly.

A bit of a let down. The only really neat feature I liked was the live photos. 3D Touch seems boring, but I’m sure it’ll be really useful and an intuitive new way of phone interaction. Still, I think I’ll wait for the 7 (but I may just hold on to my 6 if the 7 ends up being thinner).

I’m a guy with average sized hands and still the iPhone 6 is too big for me height wise. I hate having to reach for the very top row of apps. To me the perfect size was the iPhone 5/5s. I can’t imagine having a 6S Plus.

I’m hoping for band 12 too on this iPhone, but it’s not really a big deal. I have the 6 currently and won’t be upgrading until the new form factor of the 7...then I’ll be concerned about band 12.

Sort of the same here in central Texas. Due to humans control of the brush fire Ashe juniper trees are everywhere and they suck up a hell of a lot of water and spread like crazy. Having vegetation that fits is important. Ranch hands at this huge ranch I visited by Wimberly told me that simply removing the Ashe juniper

21 y.o. Texan here who grew up on the Gulf Coast too - yes we still use “cokes”. Mom: “Get me a coke!” - Me: “What flavor?” - Mom: “Coke coke”. It’s odd now that I think about it.