
Sorry trees! Evolve or die! Humans for the win! AGAIN!

Seriously - some business has bullshit rules that are just there to be technicalities and are used only as a way to force people out or give them a really hard time. I got terminated from my resident assistant position in college because I had had 1 beer at a club (though I was 21) and interacted with residents during

Dont you mean climate Denali-ist. I’ll see myself out.

I’m sure theres a way to discern the data you use on your phone to the data you tether to your laptop/ipad/etc. 20-25 gb sounds reasonable....2TB does not.

It’s 21gb a month no throttle unlimited and then during periods of high network congestion your data gets deprioritized. When network activity slows or returns to normal your data gets reprioritized again to that no throttle level. So basically say from 5-7 when everyone is getting off work and driving home, streaming

I think that has more to do with various licensing deals and their respective price points around the globe. Of course it’s all subjective - but for myself I’ve really liked the original programming Netflix has put out more so than their series/films. I just hope they continue to be aggressive in providing customers

Seriously! Sometimes I think about these things and try to wrap my mind around the sheer size and time scale of things, and the fact that there are even BIGGER things out there and I just .... can’t. There’s a star that is 1,000 times bigger than our own sun - like what the fuck?!?! Andromeda and the Milky Way will

What they need is a landscape architect working in conjunction with an engineer.

Their LTE rollout is going pretty great - last summer I got very spotty LTE service on my way home from college (about a 2.5 hour drive, and a 160 mile stretch) and now on my most recent trip I noticed my iPhone picking up more and more LTE.

Or why not build out infrastructure to support a greater public transport network instead of pouring financial resources into building out a system to support more cars, which are ultimately the problem. Public transportation, in its best form, is meant to be convenient enough for everyone, what it isn’t is a “drive

It’s little brothers holding hands - wtf is wrong with Russia?

I wonder if this will make the rumored T-Mobile/Dish Network consolidation easier. I’m not necessarily sure that would be a good thing but with the mobile space getting smaller and smaller it would be great to see T-Mobile gain much needed spectrum and capital to build out their infrastructure. They’ve done a great

I read exclusively off my iPhone - not even an eReader. It’s just so convenient to have my books in my phone and synced to all of my devices - and by that extension my MacBook, iPad, and iMac. Read on my iPhone on the bus to school, on my MacBook while class starts, on my iMac during lunch break, and on my iPad when

No it doesn’t? When using the YouTube app and going to full screen it automatically rotates to horizontal mode leaving the aforementioned black bars visible.

Well a former ad exec just left Apple for another internet based ad company and he had this to say in regards to Apple’s iAd platform and it’s stance against using user data to display more targeted ads and generate greater revenue.

That makes sense. I guess vendors usually aren’t as stocked with product in the middle of July, a historically low buying season, like they are during the heavy commerce holiday times. That would explain how things sold so fast. Thanks for pointing that out to me!

Additionally, how many of these patents are filed without intent to implement such technology but only as a means to allow competitors from using such inventions - I’m guessing a lot. Not saying Apple won’t ever implement something like this, but I’m more inclined to believe someone at the company came up with it,

I wonder how much they had of each product. I wanted to get an iPhone charger but, no exaggeration, 7 seconds after it went live it was sold out. I did end up getting an iPad charger & lightning cable combo for 12$ so that’s not so bad.

Spotify does do that - you just swipe right (or left, I don’t remember) on the track and it adds it to your up next.

It’s awesome how quickly humans are able to discover things. It sucks that our lifespans are so short - I would love to be around for the next great exploration.