
Agreed. Their coverage is constantly improving. 2 years ago where I live there was just 3G now the entire interstate corridor and surrounding areas is LTE. The drive home to visit parents was mostly Edge but everytime I make the drive now I see more and more stretches of LTE pop up. They move at a pretty rapid pace,

Really loving what T-Mobile is doing and since being a customer my perception of them as a carrier has completely changed - though I wish this move would have been announced a few weeks ago. I just got back from a weeks long vacation in Mexico and the included international texting and data (albeit 2g) was a life

I was watching the Periscope John Legere, the CEO, was having this morning. He said that won’t be allowed and that they’ll be monitoring data and calling usage. They won’t allow a T-Mobile US account to be opened and then be used extensively and exclusively in Mexico/Canada. 2/3rds of your account usage has to, on

So many fragile male egos on this thread. The tears are delicious. The amount of vitriol thrown at this woman for a small icon is ridiculous, but I’m glad small changes like this are becoming more common place and things companies actually pay attention to. The move from a male dominated power structure is going to be

Sure some of the un carrier moves are definitely sort of gimmicky, and their network isn’t great in certain spots (ok several spots) but there uncarrier moves have definitely been a boon to consumers. I’ve been vacationing in Mexico and thanks to those uncarrier moves I’m able to text and have access to the Internet

A unified Korea doesn’t necessarily mean an economic gold rush. The north has poor infrastructure and millions of sick, impoverished, uneducated people from various ages. Extending social services and carrying for individuals that won’t be contributing to the economy in any meaningful way would be a huge burden on


I laughed.

I think it’s actually kind of cool. It would be great if it could draw from all of the various social media sites artists use - Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, Youtube - and integrate them in one spot for me to see along with having them post additional content to it. I don’t really keep up with artists as

Please, please invest in editors :-(

I took it as her not being really fully aware of all the mechanisms of the system in place. Sort of how a business will push out all illegal workers out of the back door when an inspector comes and then pack them back in when he’s gone. She’s there and just assuming they’re all free men since there really isn’t a

Absolutely can’t stand Rousteing. I wonder if he ever gets sore mouth from all the cheek sucking he has to do, I’m sure his mouth gets tired from kissing so many celebrity asses all the time.

I agree, there have been too many coincidences so far but I guess that’s expected since so many of the plots are fanning back in together and there’s only so much air time and so many episodes a season to work with. I think that as the season/series progresses and characters get to where they need to be at there will

That's awesome! Thank you for posting this link. I'm an RA at my university and have an apartment to myself and I've found decorating to be a challenge since I don't have much stuff, but this is a great way to print out a large print to cover a wall and super easy to change out when I get bored of it. Awesome, thanks

Everyone just fly private - duh.

I think this is a wonderful tool and I wish I would have had it a few years ago when I was in high school, and even a few semesters ago when I was doing my math courses here in college. I don't think people should just lump it as a tool that will make students lazy. This is just Wolfram Alpha on steroids. The

A lot of us "dumb asses" actually care about learning the material it's just that teachers and professors are often not up to par when it comes to teaching. An overloaded educational system often leads to a classroom with too many seats with an educator who just doesn't have enough time to help every individual

Get a flip phone... it literally the lowest cost of ownership. Carriers will even give you one for free.

Agreed - it's doable if you have a small photo collection but you get a few hundred and it becomes an unnecessarily burdensome task.

RIP Camera Roll :-(