
Registration has been open since the WWDC but the public beta download will only go live tomorrow.

Yup. It's something so ridiculous that you would know it's a joke especially if you saw my tinder photos.

1: I'm a dude - 2: I'm gay - 3: My profile is in jest. I'm mainly poking fun at certain gay men who loudly proclaim to be actors, models, and singers all in the same sentence without actually being none of those. If you actually saw my profile you'd probably get the joke as I'm a 20 year old hispanic college student

Does anyone actually go through every single profile and read their About Me section? If you're in any big city, with even a few hundred other tinder profiles it would be a pain in the ass to click through profiles and read their bios. I personally just go based off looks and swipe left if you're not my type and right

Have a good photo and be honest in your profile like the other commentator said. The key is having a good picture (seriously - I'm surprised at how many 20 somethings don't know their angles) and a profile that isn't super serious but still says who you are and what you're interested in.

Just take a couple good shots or have someone take a photo of you next time you're out and upload them to your facebook. When uploading them just set the photos as viewable only to yourself so others can't see them and then access them from tinder.

Family should have access to certain accounts sure but there should be a limit to what it is they can access. I shudder just thinking of my dear mom and dad going through my Grindr account after my passing.

[Redacted since I replied to the wrong person]

Yeah he seems like a really cool guy who's actually interested in helping further society. If only the world had more billionaires like him that were interested in bettering humanity and not just invested in changing the tax code to benefit their own interests and bottom line.

To be fair the Dallas-San Antonio-Houston triangle is where a lot of Texas population is at, but yeah it sucks that it's just an island for now.

The same thought crossed my mind when reading that. I don't see anyone rushing out to help preserve indigenous/non-christian places of worship in the US like they rush out to preserve some old church.

In the university system, where beautiful buildings and architecture serve an important role in boosting enrollment numbers and creating pride among the student populace, I can see why the University of Tennessee would want to knock it down. It looks like a prison or a very depressing asylum. If it was a building

Agreed - I would absolutely love to have a tenth of that talent but sadly my handwriting is terrible, much like pretty much everyone else I know. I blame computers.

That was the one thing I was really hoping they would include. Instagram, Snapchat, and Tumblr combined take up 5 gigs on my phone - and that's just 3 apps out of like 35. We really should email Tim Cook asking him to get it included. He says he reads out emails so maybe he'll throw us a bone :-)

Not adorable, ridiculous. Let children look like children and not adult sized versions of the "fashion" photoblogger you are. Ugh.

Wow great joke! Thanks for the insight!

Wow the effects on Game of Thrones really blow my mind!

Seriously. How the hell does Game of Thrones show more dick than Looking, the show about the lives of gay men. I want to see Jon Snow in something more revealing than those ratty black cloaks.

Us gays demand more cock!

I was all for this when I read the article on the NYT. To think that potentially unhealthy children could be cured of ailments before they were even born is great. On the other hand I think a process like this would just help further the gap between the rich and poor. If approved and eventually rolled out to consumers