
I'm really hoping they just extend it down the I-35 corridor between Austin and San Antonio. Here's to hoping.

It hasn't rolled out yet. They're still working on it but only select parts of town will have it first before it goes to the rest.

I'm sure Downtown and East Austin will get it first and then it'll be rolled out everywhere else. I was hoping they would extend that down to San Marcos but ... I guess not. Oh well, I'm graduating in a year and will be living in Austin anyways. Guess I can deal.

As Oscar Newman put it, "the full extent of this tragedy is best appreciated when we realize that the most recognized of architects are often those who turn out the most dramatic failures."

My grandmother in Mexico used to have a lot of milkweed and my cousins and I as children loved playing with the caterpillars and keeping them until they became monarchs. But anyways, I don't exactly understand how planting milkweed is supposed to work unless it's planted along the migration routes of the butterfly. Is

Whoever that man is he is wonderfully good looking. Love a dude who can pull off a bald head.

Please no....I don't even want to think of a world where the Koch's have an extremely long life or even worse, are immortal....

Question: Can anyone tell me if I can move my AppleCare+ to a new iPhone? I have the 5 and I'm going on my first year with Apple Care and still got a year left, and would like it to carry over if I were to get an iPhone 5s (or whatever it's called)...

If we're to go by your numbers that 78.6% would translate to over 1.8 billion Americans and last time I checked the US population was barely over a sixth of that number at 313 million.

Still didn't fix the incorrect notification badge on my messages app, which is frustrating as hell! It keeps showing that I have 5 unread messages with the red little ticker even though I went in and deleted every last one of my messages. Beyond frustrating.

While the US treats it's women better than Iran we don't exactly treat our women equal either. Every week you hear about how some state or another is going out of their ways to limit women's rights to healthcare and their body so......

Yup. Go Bobcats!

I'm in San Marcos, 35 minutes south of Austin. So close yet so far....Oh well, 1 more year until college is over and then I'll be in Austin full time enjoying all the sweet fibery goodness.

Yes, the most exciting thing about that even was Flo Rida's Louboutin flat pony rollerboy spiked loafers.

Wow Gwendoline Christie looks gorgeous! I saw her and had to do a double take - she looks so different from Brienne! Love it.

If we're talking about crazy trips I once thought I was a giant sentient cup of orange juice and I was trying to walk to my car to drive home but I was spilling myself everywhere and freaking out that someone would try and drink me.

Really at this point there isn't much else that I want from my phone hardware wise, except of course better battery. The iPhone 5 is thin and light enough already and the camera is perfectly fine for day to day shooting. Only thing I really want, and I think everyone wants this, is a battery that lasts a lot longer

If this stuff interests you follow @DillonTepper on Twitter; iPhone required.

It took me a minute to fill out. 10 bucks is 10 bucks - I can buy 10 mcdoubles at mcdonalds with that money. I'm in college so don't judge.

I was floored by the season finale. After a tumultuous season I wondered if all the stories would tie up, but the script was written with such precision that it left me with a sense of much needed closure . Lana's interviews showed me how emotionally attached I had gotten to all the characters which I hadn't realized