You mean the 1500 games that came out for both systems that run better on xbones network and system or the 20 “exclusives” worth buying a ps4 for? Because i sold my ps4 after uncharted 4.
You mean the 1500 games that came out for both systems that run better on xbones network and system or the 20 “exclusives” worth buying a ps4 for? Because i sold my ps4 after uncharted 4.
Oh boy does kotaku suck the fun out of everything now.
Ugh. So much power in that statement. True video game blogger sjw
Umm actually the score for gotg was good and memorable. Especially groots caccoon and black tears (which culminates to sounding like a modified avengers theme for the gotg when they grab the infinity stone together) whole thor and and ant-man are largely mediocre. I disagree about avengers, cap and gotg. Have…
wow you people are hot under the collar. It takes no special skills to handle hecklers, just practice. any comic with a few years experience can shut down hecklers. LEARN 2 COMEDY. this wasnt even clever
There is one mr bungle song that still rises above
Its baseball, not southern charm school. He walked up tot he ump and apologized when they got him on his feet, and you see the ump tap him forgivingly. THATS BASEBALL
Its too bad Batman vs Superman never got made.
Not even saying youre bad, but boy did my dick shrivel to that song.
Remove the superimposed douche bag hat holder.
Holy fuck if this (and the rest of destiny garbage storyline) arent the primest examples of TL:DR ever. Ever
her talking voice is horrid and white is her music, ideas, opinions, behaviors and yadda yadda
dont worry they jacked it right back up to 275 as i was trying to buy it and my card kept failing....nice work paypal
dont worry they jacked it right back up to 275 as i was trying to buy it and my card kept failing....nice work paypal
is this guy serious. Dbry is WWE
cunty moms are the biggest nincompoops of all
jezebel = obligatory rape culture comment in every article
This woman is right....and cunty, self-righteous and her daughter sounds like a stuck up valley girl. I can imagine the conversation between mommy doe-est and daughter "dont pursue me" going like this : Daught "Dont pursue me":MAHHH THIS UGLY TROLL ASKED ME OUT.... mommy "Doe-est": ILL TEACH HIM " When in all…
QUICK THEY HAVE A CONTRASTING OPINION : flag them !!! Cops should never defend themselves against street trash
Jezebel. I've never seen a more wretched hive of liberalism and bleeding cunts
I'm gonna go look at the "cops who don't draw their weapons in a physical conflict in other countries chart" now. Bleeding heart chump