
i cant remember the last time i more vehemently agreed with an article on Jezebel. 100%

at least if hes going to make racist jokes he could be funny or clever about it. He is truly the bottom of the barrel in talent. just blabbing and reaching for things to keep assholes with adhd entertained.

needs more explosions and racist robots.

What detail, they all are legitamate marvel, dc, and fox/ sony upcoming movies?

All you hear as you do raids is sob stories of bad drops but its true. In my first four rads i got three pieces of gear, the boots i need to get to 30 i havent gotten in my last 12 attempts, but i have gotten 6 chatterwhites, 6 visions of confluence, and one praedeaths revenges... No freaking mythoclast or epilogue

His rants are a character he plays. He trumps everything up and empasizes words in a way to let you know hes kidding, but dumb cunts like you cherry pick stuff to be upset about

how about you actually subscribe to the show and form youre own opinion on what he says that is truly racist. Instead of letting this dumb cunt cherry pick out of context quotes. this is the same exact click bait as all the supposed over the top racism from the opie and anthony show, lots of short 30 second clips from

the irony of the statement is lost on you, you liberal shit sack. Hes explained numerous times, if he was so racist on the air then why did they not fire him 20 years ago? stop believing cherry picked out of context quotes.

the problem with this Yannick guy is hes a micheal bay apologist. He lapped bays balls for the new transformers and even though pain and gain is a better movie then any if the transformers, the rundown and walking tall still are better rock movies then pain and gain.

typical jezzebel article: lists the trulyhorrible things happening around the world then had to bring it back to local liberal bloggersphere with a non relevant "and no one seems to give a shit what happens to teenage girls stateside. Why would anyone reproduce into this mess?"

what in the fuck are you talking about. You love every micheal bay movie ans you think the new TmNt looks amazing. Just end your life

what in the fuck are you talking about. You love every micheal bay movie ans you think the new TmNt looks amazing. Just end your life

Youre defense of Micheal Bays transformer seems to leave out just how bad of a script writer, director and choreographer he is. the cgi is bland and unintelligable mess, the action is trite and unispired. I find things to enjoy in almost every summer blockbuster. I watched the first transformers and walked out

how is this unpopular? Like clockwork is a critical darling on metacritic and every qotsa fan who actually listens to it loves it... Not to mention qotsa is finally headlining a stadium tour for the first time...

I concur. Not funny and not the funniest thing last year.

Well you must be a mouth breather. To not understand, jumbled boring cliched action, racist scripts, terrible plot, terrible action and just plain boring movies. You have to be an extra special kind of knuckle dragger to ever want to see a transformers movie after the first one. Go die in a fire

My uncle died from choking on a pen cap. Despite all the warnings i almost did too.

Shut up. Stop being so fucking dramatic. Every franchise has had its share of bad games, possibly even more then aliens franchise.

Have you ever used the xbox 360 or one interface? With all of its problems its still always been smoother and less clubky then ps3/ ps4. We xboxxers just have high standards. And yes i own ps3/4 and still prefer xbox interface. The one is missing a couple key features but it still smokes ps4 interface wise.

Now the ancient dash and climb and hide game play is overused thanks to 7 assassins creed titles with ancient barriers. Its time for future assassins creed. And im sorry but your a fool if you think a game that takes place in the future in third person, with hyper climbing and a.c. Mechanics and stealth is overused.