
I had an abortion back in 2007, when abortion rights were constantly being attacked around the edges, but overall Roe didn’t seem to be in imminent danger. And I lived in Massachusetts, giving me an extra layer of protection. I knew as soon as I suspected I might be pregnant that I would have an abortion if I was, and

Never -ever- forget this jive dancing coon is a massive attention whore trying to grift as much as she can before a younger, newer and louder coon snatches her split ended hairdo and boots her off stage.

“This is why people don’t take these people seriously,” Owens cried out on Fox News.

Your grandma sounds like a badass.

All this time I thought he said "Gucci"

Coogi is a brand. The sweaters were very popular in the early to mid 90s hip-hop scene though not really where I lived cause it was very warm; not sweater weather. Yes they were busy, and looked like a Jackson Pollock painting. That was the style.

What’s Coogi?

I remember having the sweetest Fubu sweatshirt from Marshalls when I was in like 4th grade, but I’m like a goofy looking indian guy. 

Your taxes also pay for his fuck ups since these fuckers don’t have to pay any of the judgements against them.

The thing I keep seeing in these interactions, time and again, is how much of these conflicts stem from cops being absolutely unwilling to discuss, course correct, admit the tiniest fault, etc, all in the need to absolutely dominate any situation and any person they are interacting with.

Came here to say that I’m ‘Coogi down to the socks like I’m Biggie Poppa’. My wife is obsessed with A$AP Mob so I get to hear this weekly.

“...what TF is in the water in Mount Laurel, N.J. that has racist white people wilding out...[?]”

My mom was in the habit of getting Veg-All or lima beans or the like, and I’m reasonably certain that she had a passive-aggressive streak where she was giving us foods that, while nutritious*, were needlessly unpleasant. The woman wasn’t stupid, she knew that, when she picked up that can of lima beans, she was

Making your way in the world today
Takes everything you’ve got
Taking a break from all your worries
Sure would help a lot
Wouldn’t you like to get away?

Milk ducks does having me giggling though. Am considering changing it back. 

I think it would work best sung in operatic style by a bass. It could convey a sense of the speaker’s self-indulgence, anger, drama and love of his own voice.

Had to make sure we knew his penis is too big for his pants.

Congratulations on leaving what is easily the most deranged comment I’ve ever received in my year of working at Jezebel lol. 

It doesn’t matter what size your labia is with this outfit. It matters whether you plan to move your legs more than one millimeter apart while wearing it. Because if your legs move, your labia move, and that bodysuit will end up cutting you in half in a way that is so painful that, you, being a man - can’t even

There are actually lots of laws around the country prohibiting giving food to the homeless without a permit. I am probably in the minority here in that I do think the reasoning is sound - except that starvation and malnutrition will kill them too, just more slowly. So it’s hard to take it seriously as a real concern