Boy I really want to live in the sweet land of milk and honey that is the universe where this is actually the worst tweet ever.
Boy I really want to live in the sweet land of milk and honey that is the universe where this is actually the worst tweet ever.
I’ve never really trusted the Democratic Party. Why should I? In a political system that forces us into one of two…
Back before World of Warcraft launched, in 2004, the template for quests in an MMORPG was a little dry. Games like Ev…
On April 26 of this year, the Equal Justice Initiative will open both a memorial and museum in Montgomery, Ala.,…
Rihanna’s impact, y’all.
While rewatching American Beauty recently, I realized I’d been lied to my entire life. In the 1999 Best Picture, the…
1. Pittsburgh potholes
Like everyone else, you were excited to see Black Panther. You’ve been waiting for it for years, got excited for the…
If “Don’t scare me like that, colonizer” wasn’t already enough to give Black Panther’s Shuri (depicted amazingly by…
Editor’s note: This story contains spoilers for the film Black Panther.
“ Sure, we did not successfully return the goose to human form, but he wasn’t a goose anymore, and that’s kind of the same thing.”
Yesterday one of the regular members of my Dungeons & Dragons group had to cancel, so the rest of us decided to roll…
America’s progressive distilling, dissolution and dissolving of Martin Luther King Jr.’s legacy and the accompanying…
This warmed my cold, dead heart.
When my grandson comes home from school, I usually greet him with, “Hey, buddy. How you doing? Did you learn anything interesting today?” But he’s 5 and so everything at school is still interesting to him, and he’s glad somebody wants to know. I know it’ll pass but I’m enjoying it while it lasts.
When I was 4 years old, I told my mother that my nursery school teacher told me to “stop acting like a baby” because…
It’s fried (evidence: Having worked there as a yoot working one of my first jobs) the problem is the breading isn’t all that thick.
It is Pop, it just is!
Because people are stupid. Also, you pronounced “soda” wrong.