
Didn’t Sony buy Gakai? They are using them for the Play Now streaming service (as well as Remote Play and Share play) but at its basic this is cloud gaming. They could use their cloud to off load processing as well.

The gunplay in general was fine, what irked me was some of the design decisions in relation to the QTEs. For example in one of the first werewolves fight, you have a QTE to dodge the enemy’s charge/rush, why not just have a dodge button? You know I press the dodge button/ button sequence and I dodge whenever the hell

Supposedly the technical limitations are due to the PS3/360 versions of the game. And apparently they don’t want to differ the experience between last gen and this gen versions.

It’s hit or miss with some of those bounties. I’ve been on missions and ‘Wolves are on the Prowl’ event will show up and you can do those bounties, but certain specific bounties (aforementioned Ether Runner) won’t show up.

The Bounties are still there, but completing them (specifically the Blades of Crota and Cut Them Down) is a more tedious task because they don’t randomly spawn across the earth and moon like they used to. To complete the bounties you have to do specific story missions (repeatedly) where before you could take care of

You want the ad revenue potential? Implement time outs, and not just for the commercials.

No, not confirmed, speculation on my part. It’s just that the tablet pad interface is the default control scheme on the Wii U. The Vita+PS4 implementation should be the same, as the Vita has virtually all the functionality of the Wii U game pad (save for a few buttons). You wouldn’t be asking the developers to come up

They already have the PS4/Vita control scheme because that’s the default Wii U setup. The controller only setup would be the new one (and even this case is specialized towards the X1’s controller as it doesn’t have gyro or touch interface).

Exactly, when using Remote Play you can use the Vita as a second screen too.

You get to keep the 360 games, Xbox One games function the same way as PS+ games.

Deka= 10 + Sodomy? Squids have 10 tentacles...

Eh? The original R-360 with G-loc back in the day had the shoulder harness and a big red panic button that would return the game to an upright position. I remember playing it and promptly trying to fly the jet fighter upside down :)

Xur had it on the 2nd week since launch? I didn’t even know Xur existed until several months later.

PSN store is accessible across several platforms; Website, PS4, PS3 and Vita(and Vita/PSTV), yet the website is the only one that shows the entire store across the various platforms. On PS4 gamewise, I can only see PS4 content, on Vita I can only see Vita content (on PSTV the PsPlus tab/shortcut does not even exist).

It wasn’t the only challenger to appear either (although that is probably the one being referred to)... I recall the Atari Lynx which was pretty powerful at the time, but it too was very expensive lacked a lot of games and at up battery life.

When you arrive upon a parking spot where someone is leaving, who leaves quicker, the car that backs out from the spot or the car pulls out in a forward gear? The time it takes to back into a spot is usually less than backing out of one because you can generally see the spot you are backing into, and you are better

Blackgate is a great addition to the series, you’d definitely enjoy it. :)

First off, Vita has sold 10.6+ million units worldwide. Killzone:Mercenary did not crack a million units worldwide, the games to do so on the Vita are Uncharted,Assassins Creed, CoD, and LBP. Persona 4 is next right under the million mark. As you state, it was a loss for them.

It is a shame that they won’t make another Killzone Mercenary, as it was one of the better games on the system and had a lot of polish on it. I get that the PS4 needed the attention as it is lacking in 1st party games, but show some support for the Vita every now and then.

Full power and full capabilities are 2 different things. You mentioned graphics in the post I replied to, discussion of graphics tends to center around the processing power of console not the specific interface features the Vita has. The Vita is capable of handling everything the 3DS can short of 3d and some aspects