
Not buying all of that, developers were not obligated to use the full power of the Vita for their games. For example the LEGO games that appeared on the Vita were co developed with the 3DS versions versus the home console versions. You see the visual upgrade on the Vita vs the 3DS version because it has more power.

You could always make the character Link’s little sister...

You are definitely on to something there... those still grabs look like they took free roam replay cam pics from the actual game.

Isn’t that the Disney castle?

I’ve gotten a few purple engram weapon drops off of multiple lootings, maybe 2 keys...

Clearly AC:Unity and Advanced Warfare have to go. :P

The irony is that all throughout its life the Saturn was criticized for not having a proper Sonic game on it.

Spirits Within was a great movie and CGI achievement at the time ( being a 3D animator I thoroughly enjoyed it), but is it based on an actual Final Fantasy game?

I can see Sunshine Mario as a DLC character in this game.

People don’t realize that a demo at a conference shown several years before the game is released is going to be different from the final game? The demo is typically a level or 2 of game play, the developer can focus all of the resources for that short experience. The full game has much more to account for.

I have one still, it was a great system at the time, fueled by having a lot of well known arcade ports on it (Virtua Fighter, Daytona U.S.A, Street Fighter Alpha/Zero, Night Warriors...), many RPGs (Shining Series, Magical Knight Rayearth, Panzer Dragoon Saga...) and plenty of innovative/original titles (Panzer

The memorization comes into play when you want to do more than just complete the level. For example DKC included many hard to reach secret items/places that weren’t required to complete the level. Your first run through is the result of regular 2d platforming, but you might see a path of bananas out of the way and

So is Saints Row popular in Japan?

Activision released:

Sorry for the length.

And then what’s to stop people trolling by only being offensive ingame?

Sometimes sticking to your guns earns the respect of the client. Darkside did not when they should have and a result was walked all over by MS.

The console in question already has the necessary equipment (camera, screen, mic and speaker all in the included gamepad) to have online in-game communication work. Why do I want to use my phone (and waste it’s data/minutes/battery) when the console itself is perfectly capable? Why do I want to have my PC/Tablet

Typically you are going to mute a person either in the lobby between matches, or before your next re-spawn during the game.

?? How is someone’s opinion wrong? While I sympathize with the concern for ‘toxic online environments’ there are other ways of dealing with it: