
I picked up the Master System with the light gun, and even had the 3-D glasses. Great memories of that console.

It did not. RB3 needs to sense what frets you are touching and what strings you are playing, RB3's gameplay is based on this, it does not rely on the string pitch. Rocksmith detects the string pitch,and connects through the audio jack. RB3 does not because the Mustang version of the pro guitar uses buttons for the

Actually, for the real guitar that was compatible with RB3's pro mode (Fender Squier Strat) they had built in electronics so it could communicate with the game. RB3 needs to sense what fret you are touching. the Fender Mustang was the one that had buttons for frets, you can't use it as a real guitar, but it is a midi

The Squier Strat is definitely platform independent (that one needs a console specific adapter...less than $20 on Amazon). I could only find the Fender Mustang in stores (platform specific) for use with Pro-Mode back in the day. That keyboard is less than $35 new now(I remember when it was around $80+ new). They are

The older instruments should also include the pro version used in RB3:

Didn't that kit run through an adapter? Visiting their site, the PS3 and 360 drum kits seem to be physically the same save for the actual module that interfaces with the respective console. You might only need that module to use your drums on the PS4.

That and maybe someone will reach the Otakus with something like this...

Not even that. Who switches HDMI cables these days? Every HDTV i've purchased in the last decade had at least 2 HDMI ports, my latest living room set has 4 inputs by itself, while my sound systems receiver has another 3.

I didn't take your replies in our discussion as aggressive or hostile etc. And I certainly didn't compose my replies in that tone either.

Well that's the point, you (Anita moreso since its originally her observation and we are just discussing it) are viewing this specific pose as heavily gendered. Her example was that it looks like the Little Mermaid (Disney version or original sculpture), which does kind of sway one's opinion. I and a few others do not

Now apply that to sitting down. The man sits normally, the woman sits sexily, instead of both of them sitting normally (or having altogether different animations). Do you see the problem here?

But you also have the argument that (some) girl gamers don't just want a female player character mapped to a male characters motion rig (ie some girl gamers identify more with their character if said character moves like a female).

I had the games on the PS3, the instruments used a USB wireless connection there, it shouldn't be too hard to make them work on the PS4. I managed to find the Mustang guitar, but could find the strat in stores around here...a few are still available (used) on Amazon, Ebay...

Rock Band 3 had 2 guitars for pro mode, one was an actual guitar (Squier Fender Stratocaster...this one required the midi adaptor) , the other had strings for strumming and buttons for all of the fret notes (Fender Mustang Pro Guitar...this one did not require the midi adaptor, but did function as a midi device as

I wouldn't go as far as saying it is simple. The move set for each character is quite extensive, most approach the same amount moves as those from Virtua Fighter (hence why those characters integrated so well in DOA5).

For PS3 the number of games that support remote play is small. For Cross play the number of titles is larger, while with cross save most(if not all) games that have a release on the PS3 and the Vita can share/swap game saves.

I can see people being mad about the cross play and remote play for the Vita never really panning out. Hell I've got Dragon's Crown on my PS3 and being able to play it on my Vita with remote play would be awesome but, sadly, it's not an option. I guess they were trying to be too ambitious or didn't really make

Right now is too soon to think about a new Sony portable, the Vita is doing good in Japan and other markets. In Japan they just stopped selling the PSP last year (just shy of a full 10 year cycle Sony's consoles are typically around for) and while games still come out for the PSP, more and more new titles are

The PSTV has hit under $70 recently, and you can find the 16GB card for $30.

Things they could do to salvage the Vita: