
I try to live by this rule when it comes to video games; If the game is multiplayer (especially competitive) buying the game closer to release gives you optimum time to learn the maps, upgrade your character(s)/vehicles, unlock weapons etc...jumping in late in those games usually ends up in a disadvantage for some.

They are 2 fox spirit guides in Muramasa: The Demon Blade/ Muramasa Rebirth (same game on the Wii and Vita respectively) from Vanillaware.

What? No mention of Kongiku and Yuzuruha for Murumasa:The Demon Blade?

- Fox news, (probably).

That is weird because the Vita already has Netflix, Hulu Plus, Crackle, Crunchy Roll etc...(at least in the U.S.). I guess since the Vita is mobile device while the PSTV/VitaTV is a micro console the licensing is different? Also odd since Netflix runs on the PS3 and PS4 as well.

That is weird because the Vita already has Netflix, Hulu Plus, Crackle, Crunchy Roll etc...(at least in the U.S.). I

One of my favorite Bill Paxton characters.

If its done in the name of science and/or you pay them, why wouldn't your average woman do it? As far as I can remember art schools/colleges hire models for anatomy/drawing courses, photography, etc... why would this situation be any different? Why assume that the person willing to do this has to be a stripper or porn

a character's gun holster or hair moving independently to convey mass in motion.

I like how the guy in the video says "I forgot to tell you that the hammer is made out of iron". Key piece on info there bub.

What is this point all about? How many unused Nintendo chargers? Or Mini/Micro USB?

Not just comes with an AC adapter, the cord itself is has a standard USB connection.

I have a closet full of guitars(including the pro one with buttons for all the frets), the keyboard with stand, and drum set (albeit the Guitar Hero World Tour one) for PS3. If the game returns for current gen, whoever makes an adapter for all of these to work is going to make a killing $$.

So you pretty much have said everything I have told you, then added what I think you got wrong at the end again.

I see your points very clearly. Streaming is not the only way to get content onto to handheld controller (at least on the Vita side).

I don't think IceHedge is waiting for Nintendo to implement this feature on the Wii U ( although I do agree that some consumers were under the impression that the Wii U would support more than 1 Gamepad; a co worker with 2 young children would rather each one has their own gamepad to use to keep the peace).

It isn't impossible, you've just stated that many Wii-U games have one player on the gamepad screen while the 2nd player uses the TV. Consoles have been producing multiple streams of gameplay for several generations now (Goldeneye's quad splitscreen is a perfect example). A few steps further is where IceHedge wants to

"The Dreamcast is a failed console on that front. You don't play card games on split screen (That would be stupid). The VMU could never be used like that. Magic the Gathering, Pokemon TCG, and Hearthstone all do not need split screen. They work better as a single player with online multiplayer,"

Lbp was just bad when it came to online or local multiplayer.

LBP has notorious floaty jumps, I love that series but would not use that game as an example of successful multiplayer platforming online or not. The recent Rayman games have shown that you can do multiplayer online platforming. Fighting games and FPS shooters manage to keep the latency down, a Super Mario Bros game

You are assuming that the GTAV game was going to actually reach the 13 yr old girl's hands. I've bought bundles before where i've partitioned the various included items as separate gifts.