Why do I get the feeling that these didn't suffer the same problems (which blowing on the cartridges was a fix for) as the U.S. NES?
Why do I get the feeling that these didn't suffer the same problems (which blowing on the cartridges was a fix for) as the U.S. NES?
I believe the stick on the Atari 5200 had an analog joystick. The only problem was it was not self centering. So N64 wasn't first.
Day one Vita owner here, I bit the bullet way back then and bought the 32GB card (closer to $100 back then). I also subscribed to PS PLUS and the amount of games that i've received over the past 2 years has more than made up for the price of the memory card. It's more convenient that the PSP days, I had a carry case…
Map everything to the A Button Cliffy B? No thanks.
PS1 ushered in the jump to 3D, you have to remember that back then the Arcade experience was still relevant to the home console, and many arcade games had started jumping to 3D, Virtua Racing, Virtua Fighters, Ridge Racer, Tekken, Daytona USA among others. PS1 and Saturn (was there a Saturn article? it is 20 yrs old…
Why does the list have to stop at 12? There are so many great games on there, Stealth Inc: Clone in the Dark, Guacamelee!, Rayman Legends, Killzone Mercenary, Counterspy, Freedom Wars, Soul Sacrifice, Murumasa Rebirth, Dragons Crown... multi console releases are on the list so more than a few of these are eligible....
"In reality, most PS3 games were not remote playable on the PS Vita," the FTC's press release states. "Sony also misled consumers by falsely claiming that PS Vita users could remotely play the popular PS3 game, Killzone 3, on the PS Vita. In fact, Sony never enabled remote play on its Killzone 3 game title, and very…
This article was comparing Xbox One as it launched to how it is now(a year later). They ran a sister piece for the PS4. They are also going to run a piece comparing/contrasting the two (maybe 3 with the Wii U). The author stated in this article (as was stated in the PS4 one) that if you haven't purchased one of the…
I believe most of the PS+ subscribers have been well aware that the PS+ version of Driveclub is a lite version. I posted my reply because you did not seem to be aware that this was the case and angled your discussions from that perspective.
You are aware that the 'free' PS+ DriveClub version is basically a lite version? Ie not the full game. The full game comes with 5 locations, 55 tracks, 50 cars and 50 tour events. The PS+ edition has 1 location, 11 tracks and 10 cars available, it is upgradeable to the full version...(ie buy the rest of the game).
And that's just a passing moment at the very beginning of a game that can be played for upwards of 40 hours. The bits of Mordor that actually begin to resemble genuine human intimacy look more like this:
No no Sony, we want Vita memory card prices on sale.
No no Sony, we want Vita memory card prices on sale.
You could before the 2.00 update. The 2.00 update caused issues with rest mode (formerly standby mode). If your PS4 wasn't responding to being 'woken up' from rest mode, then Remote Play was also a bust, you have to leave the console in rest mode to then be awoken by the Vita. I guess you could alternately leave the…
A quick search shows that PS4/PS3 DLC exclusivity being a year long (fall 0f 2015) being reported on in June 2014.
I had a similar experience with GTA IV, the final mission specifically. In that one, a character takes off on a boat hitched to the dock behind a warehouse you just flushed him out of. Initially I tried shooting at the fleeing boat from the dock, after several times failing the mission(because he got away on the…
They all have it, even DoA on the Saturn. some of the games used the age slider to determine the physics effect.
Not exactly (on the giving MS shit), on the 360 side the online service was more robust than the PS3 experience. Many(on the 360 side) felt it was because you were paying for the service, and/or that MS had a full console gen to refine it. On 360 that meant cross game party chat, playing your own music within a…
Are you getting PS+ at all (do you have it right now for your PS3 if you have one?) If you do, I suggest you log in on the PC side and 'purchase' all of the monthly give away games for PS4, so you have a nice library of games when you finally do get the console.
Remote play also works outside of your home. With your PS4 wired, and a good wifi hotspot (with the Vita/PSTV) or wired (PSTV), you can use remote play away from the home.