
Sony needs to do a couple of patches. Separate Remote Play settings for the Vita and Vita TV, my Vita works fine with connecting direct to the PS4s wifi antenna, while the PS/VitaTV does better with a wired connection. Also many of the games that have a PS3 version should just use that control map.

I thought you couldn't get pregos from tentacle sex..

I suggest going with a wired connection if you aren't already. I use a powerline adaptor (uses your electrical outlets as a wired router connection) to connect my PS4 (in the living room) wired to the router (one of the bedrooms).

I don't understand Wipeout not being on the list (that doesn't use touch screen controls that I recall, and there exists a PS3 control scheme as this game is cross play), Resistance's touch controls are for lack of buttons (DS3/DS4 should have that covered) same with PS Allstars (should use the PS3s control scheme).

Katy is the busty one.

Someone borrowed my copy of Herzog Zwei for Sega Genesis, moved out of state and never returned it... :(

grand total $1120

Something like this?

Oddly enough this game reminds me of Lollipop Chainsaw, save that LC doesn't take itself as seriously.

Well porn can be enjoyed by both, and if your SO is a girl, you can gift her underwear (and satisfy your weird pantie fetish)... ;)

survival've just coined a new game genre... :)

Sony didn't change the look and function of the PS3's interface over it's lifetime (despite adding new features), I don't know if they'll treat the PS4 the same...

Yeah, Sonic Adventure 1 & 2, were a great return for the series.

In the main games, the story modes are basically interchangeable (not to say that they are identical), but generally the theme is Sackboy goes through a bunch of thematic levels with a varied sampling of gameplay to save the day. All of the games (LBP, LBP PSP, LBP2, LBP Vita) follow this format.

I would imagine the DS4 is paired with the phone which is linked to the PS4 through remote play. Remote play with the Vita is functional away from the house, with a strong connection at home and a good wifi connection away.

It might be faster through the phone vs tethering the PS Vita to your phones wifi, of course carrying around a DS4 isn't quite as ergonomic.

It had action games and racing games too. ;)

It launched with a great set of games and kept a steady supply of them throughout its life. These included some of the best fighters, memorable rpgs, many of Segas arcade and original games, the 2K sports games, and it took a gamble with online gaming by including a modem.

It should still go to the Vita, now that they've bothered making it work on a portable device.

Developers saw a huge installed base and the potential cash cow it comes with.