They have literally everything the Xbone can do media wise aside fromt he HDMI in.
They have literally everything the Xbone can do media wise aside fromt he HDMI in.
The general public didn't know all that much about Iron Man, Captain America & Thor. Yet all those movies succeeded (to varying degrees). Marvel is betting their brand is strong enough to dole out some really fantastical sh!t. If the mainstream wasn't ready do you think you'd see elves attacking Viking…
I don't think this movie is going to do that well. The general public has no idea who these people are or wtf is going on. It better have some fantastic trailers
"And before you bash me I'm a Nintendo fan through and through. Ive defended them all these last few years but enough is enough."
Always found this as a fail safe or shield rather than something worthy to mention
anyway. Nintendo do have made so things different but no as far or worst that other one, yet they hate…
The 3DS will make you very happy. Good lord there are a lot of great (not just good— GREAT) games on it and more to come.
"The Xbox One is state of the art!"
... missing bluetooth, no SSD and a hard drive that hasn't been considered big enough for a few years now.
It also comes with buyer's remorse.
There isn't even bluetooth... Seriously, it is 2013 Microsoft.
Steam stats show that about 500k players can be playing Dota2 at any one time.
sorry you searched for Dota this is Dota 2
Dota 2 may be slower and not as flashy, but the action is a lot more meaningful and deliberate.
Ah, so that's why Twitch is running like shit.
“It’s maybe strange to say [this], but I miss the limitations of making games in those days,” Kitase acknowledges. “The cartridge capacity was so much smaller, of course, and therefore the challenges were that much greater. But nowadays you can do almost anything in a game. It’s a paradox, but this can be more…
How do you not do the Minnesota Wild when the logo is already an animal face? It's halfway there.
I wish I could beat a game in two or three days ag—[alt+tabs back to actual work]
Asking me not to fap around my computer is like asking me not to breathe around oxygen.
Dude how can you leave Soul Calibur out of that list?!?! Loved that game. Cervantes was such a beast.