
Plus you ever read the Sports section of any newspaper? Or a Newspaper in general? The winner of any major championship is “Spoiled” right on the front page usually. This would be like getting mad for SportsCenter “spoiling” the NBA Finals before you watched the game. Just don’t watch SportsCenter, the paper, your

Kiss serious 3rd Party and Online Voice Chat support goodbye forever you guys. Why does Nintendo ever have to release a grown up console with grown up features when they can release stuff like this and get rewarded? Don’t complain when the next Mario game is a mobile game with micro transactions.

Hope they were saving up that YouTube money

I haven’t felt like this since I was a teenager in the 90's and the Rodney King/LA Riots thing was going on. I’ve literally been limiting how much I’ve gone out over the last few days. Got me paranoid. I know I’ll get over it but still...

Clumsy Cutie > Story Mode

Ain’t nobody got time for that!

RIP New Conglomerate...

An advantage of having an otherwise “open” platform. It does have it’s drawbacks but it comes with the territory. I’ve grown up playing consoles and PC’s equally over the years since the 2600 and Texas Instrument PC days. I only stopped buying consoles this generation because they were weaksauce this round and I spoke

Now playing

It’s because they were stoned. Notice that Wiz Khalifa came out before them and he’s ALWAYS high. Then watch these 2 come out glassy eyed and fumbling for words while looking sheepish and paranoid. At the end the guy interviewing goes “So what are you guys doing next?” to which Jamie Foxx replies “We’re gonna go find

And of course Squenix is re-releasing and remastering every FF they have right now EXCEPT for FF Tactics to take advantage of this trend. Brilliant!


I was thinking of buying this game...and now I really want to just to see if I have any issues. Im playing through the awesome PC version of Grandia II and was going to buy and play this after I beat that game. But #realtalk how hard is it to port a 13 year old game over to a modern Windows PC? Shitty PC ports

Oh fuck yeah. The first Turok was MIND BLOWING on the N64 and doesn’t get nearly enough credit for it’s role in making FPS’s on consoles a “thing”. I’m for sure playing these when they release.

This game is STILL going strong in our house. My kids play the crap out of it. As a matter of fact we own it thrice = on 360 and on 2 separate Steam Accounts.

OMG 80’s Transformers ftw. TAKE MY MONEY if this is true.

Are you gonna make me say it? FINE : Spidey has been ruined ever since THE CLONE SAGA!

STILL GIVES ME CHILLS after all of these years

“I mean, not in a ‘bad’ way...”

The next iOS update will break his magic

Now playing

John Ricciardi and Mark MacDonald! From ye old EGM days! Aw man I genuiely MISS EGM and it's crew. I grew up with that magazine and I associate it with my love of gaming. The two go together and I'm so glad to see those guys again. It's been awhile! Shout up to that whole EGM and crew. GOOD TIMES!