
And this is why I stopped playing Blizzard RTS back in the WC3 days. This game is RTS in name only. The person with the fastest twitch reflexes, macros, APMs wins the game. Not saying it is a bad game per se. I'm well aware of how entertaining the game can be as well as the story aspect. Just that these aren't truly

Looks amazing. I'm completely torn over getting either the PS3 or Vita version though. A choice between easy access or local multiplayer. It wouldn't by chance have cross-buy would it? That would make life easier

GT and Forza are both wonderful games that SHOULD be on PC, but sadly probably never will.

Awww, they don't have to push the industry anywhere. They can, you know, coax it. Maybe buy it a drink. Give it a nice back rub. Tell it it's pretty. Work that fire and mojo, nawmean?

It's a pretty common occurrence. The skill gap in Dota 2 is way higher than LoL so people who are bad or do not perform well tend to go over to LoL and have a much better game. That said, if you can even get decent at Dota 2, you'll be really good at LoL.

Oh just grand. Now the Xb1 will be filled with sub-par titles causing it to be even more difficult to locate quality software among all of the haberdashery!

I think they're bothered because yes, they have all these moneymakers. But to literally have one right under your nose and dismiss it, only to watch other people pick it up and turn it into the next big thing? Yeah...that HAS to bother them. It's like with say, Disney/Marvel and Sony. Marvel was outsourcing its film

Mistake #3: Inserting a frozen pizza into the oven without removing the plastic or the cardboard...

That would suck to spend all that time and money into making your amazing elf costume only to be greeted on the battlefield by a $30 Gandolf in a cotton beard.

Now playing

It comes from the best goddamned cartoon show ever (with the possible exception of Batman:TAS)

Oh sure, admit you were a filthy pirate just outside the statute of limitations. How convenient!

You know what I got from this? If you own a Wii U and you want games like The Devision and Destiny on your system, get off of your lazy, complacent asses and sign a goddamn petition. Make some fucking noise for once and change your console for the better. Nintendo and 3rd party Devs sure aren't.

I find those PC numbers more interesting, to be honest. A "dead" platform drives 20% of the sales of one of the biggest game publishers out there. Who knew?

Considering that's a physical cartridge you can play on an actual SNES which retains it's $150 value, whereas this is a $10 download that is worth $0 and is nothing but a rom you can only use on Nintendo's substandard emulator..I'd say it's kind of bad.

$10...okay that's too pricey.

It's weird that you keep calling it the Xbox 180. That name is widely used by PC and PS3 gamers to insult Microsoft for their policy changes, not by people who are actually planning on buying the console.

Yea, to me Jay screwing over Conan means he clearly doesn't have a sense of humor.

Bull... Shit...