
STILL GIVES ME CHILLS after all of these years

“I mean, not in a ‘bad’ way...”

The next iOS update will break his magic

Now playing

John Ricciardi and Mark MacDonald! From ye old EGM days! Aw man I genuiely MISS EGM and it's crew. I grew up with that magazine and I associate it with my love of gaming. The two go together and I'm so glad to see those guys again. It's been awhile! Shout up to that whole EGM and crew. GOOD TIMES!

My stage is ready!

My $600 PC build from last March falls either close to the top of the recommended specs or well above the minimum specs for most games. I'm saying this only because it's pretty cool that you can build a truly capable PC for the same cost as a consoles these days. I'm not hating either. I play and enjoy the newest

That's PERFECTLY cool so of course it'll never happen

Just like duping items on Borderlands....

Hey!Welcome to Kotaku! I remember you from the ol EGM crew via! Good times! I even have your Mii on my original Wii complete with 'fro!

I'll just leave this here....

Please please please make a PC version

Are we running out of history to play through so they can finally set one in a Modern Day setting and a futuristic one?

So the Chinese version of XB1 is even more of a hot mess than any of the other versions but since China is too big of a potential cash grab market and M$ is desperate to turn a profit by any means necessary it's still chugging right along?

Looks like the intro to Silicon Valley

As am I especially when you consider that DMA (now Rockstar) as well as EA STARTED off on the PC. But as a consolation I'm hoping it's taking longer so they can fine tune the optimization because GTA4 was a hot mess.

This is madness! Cats and Dogs living together!

My response? "STFU, n00bs!" I kid, I kid. This should be focused on the CoD "community" first...

Been waiting for this since Pokemon Stadium on the N64. Take my damn money, Nintendo!

DAMMIT, NINTENDO! Just take my damn money already....