
"OMGZ! Welcome to 2001 entry level Dell laptop standards... ". These consoles are pathetic.

Lemme just get this straight. Feel free to ignore as these are just mental musings in 'reply' form :

Smells fantastic in there I'm sure!

The point is a BRAND NEW $400-$500 system in 2013 has no business running anything less than 1080p at 60 FPS. That's the crux of the argument. You can build (and I recently did) a PC that does this for 90% of all games for roughly the same price ($539 after rebates and a FREE copy of Watch_Dogs). A box that is

I smell a Watch_Dogs graphics cop out between now and then.

Sad part is only the PC version will look anything like this when actually being played, even on $400-$600 PC's...

Didn't know "Next Gen" tech ran at 8 year old Dell monitor 900p and at 30 FPS...

Main difference being is that PC version will actually look like these screenshots while actually playing even on a modest $400-$600 PC....

Depends on if they're contract or FTE too. I could see FTE QA making that much.

Go home, Xbox. You're drunk. What the heck are they doing over there?!


Microsoft and SONY are so messed up right now. The two biggest console makers are acting like they don't want to be here anymore. In 10 years it'll only be Mobile, Nintendo, and PC. The 3 things console gamers rail against when they're not attacking each other. OH THE DELICIOUS IRONY!

I'm old...

Now playing

Built a 1080p/60FPS machine with a guide from Cult of Mush on YouTube. I highly recommend that channel as at least twice a year they do $400, $600, $1000, etc Gaming PC guides. I simply followed their suggestions, went to to piece it together, then took my list to Fry's where they match Internet

Apparently Vaginas are only acceptable over there only if there's tentacles coming in or out of them?

2K15 version has LeBron on the cover

I want these guys for Air Support on my Battlefield team.

PC Name: MagicSterling (too soon?)

Sorry couldn't resist

I'd guess that this is the look we'll be seeing her as in Batman v Superman