Just think of them as a super stylized, grown up, anime-ish looking Pokemon with a little Phantasy Star Online/Final Fantasy/AAA third person action title all rolled together and you'll start to see the appeal or at least why people play it at all.
Just think of them as a super stylized, grown up, anime-ish looking Pokemon with a little Phantasy Star Online/Final Fantasy/AAA third person action title all rolled together and you'll start to see the appeal or at least why people play it at all.
Obvious Guy says: Japan sure loves them some SONY
Ever see "Idiocracy"? At my house we have frequent discussions that eventually Facebook will be the ENTIRE internet, like how Carl's Jr was the only restaurant in the future.
And then still come back to life after the fact somehow. Bat's all the way in that one.
And, uh, where the heck is Cassandra Cain's solo book? Lois and Supes not married anymore? Dick Grayson no longer batman after only 2 years? Cmon....
Android Comic Viewer works like a charm. I recently re-read the Walt Simonson run on Thor over the past few months, some of it on the crapper! What an age we live in!
Yay just what the world of comics needs = another re-boot!
no way. Ewok fur will make a great lining for the inside of Artic Stormtrooper armor.
Ladies and Gents I present to you the form factor for the PS4. Gonna try try to one up the Wii U and its controller screen.
@macshome and @onagotasolo:
Seriously you've been missing out then
Agreed. Seriously, how hard is it NOT to be a complete dick in the gaming world? Not ONE person in that corporate board meeting (where clearly this was decided, it had nothing to do with anybody that actually plays the games) had the balls to say "This is retarded, 'Why are we not putting this on Steam again?'. I mean…
Hmm but Steam integration, chat, and achievements are pretty nice, huh? Especially for people that have other games and friends through Steam. Plus EA's excuse is SUPER LAME:
I missed out on Tribes the first time around but now that I'm older and my tastes have changed (particularly towards online gaming and FPS's) I have to say that I'm looking forward to Tribes coming back.. I'll keep an eye on it.
PAX Prime tickets are already sold out here in Seattle. They were too last year and I completely and randomly lucked out and got passes for free for Saturday but this year I think will be the first time in 5 years I won't be going...and then I see they're going to be showing BL2 there?! Awww, but I think I'll be aight.
Woot! Bring it! I put well over 200 hours on the first one. FULL Steamworks matchmaking please this time around. NO MORE GAMESPY!
Was worth it just for the Rock Opera/Dethklok version of the Batman theme alone.
You all bring up good points and I'd be foolish to straight up disagree with any of them. It just strikes me as funny that whenever a Nintendo system (rushed or not) doesn't immediately fly off shelves that it's considered a failure and everyone goes into panic mode.