
Doncha know it's tacky to count money? You're just supposed to want to spend money on your friends and you shouldn't keep a tally in your head. Friendship is more important than presents.

I am a graduate student. I require proper emailing etiquette, addressing me by name and signing it. However, I am totally okay if a student finishes a chain of emails with "Ok see you then" or "Ok, thanks, will be there soon." AND professors and administration are just as likely in my experience to respond to emails

I'm not surprised that people feel this way. You know, I used to be one of those curmudgeons who claimed that men were lazy ass bastards if they texted instead of called and upheld the virtues of calling and don't you remember the good old days when men called? Texting, like any technology, begets bad behavior, and

Your MD was probably an idiot, but I can see why doctors wouldn't give one to an 18 or 19 year old. IUDs make minor STDs a million times worse and put you at risk for PID and infertility. They don't recommend them for women without long term partners because of this. You can skirt that if you are older, but even if

Peeps, I am in a bona-fide fo' realzzz relationship for the first time since I was 19. Feels...weird. Especially since I have been obnoxiously whining on here for 3 years now. (Please someone tell me I have made considerable progress!? or have at least become less annoying). I drunkenly had the "are you my

So you had to make the hard choice (abortion/adoption/motherhood). But that isn't a choice of freewill, is it? You didn't say at 22, "Well, I value family and children and I would like to put my career ambitions on hold and have a child even though I don't have a stable partner." Not faced with a unplanned

The ocean is huge and constantly replenishing. And no one is paying to keep the ocean chemicalized pr whatever.

I'm pretty sure this dude loves "The Fountainhead," too. He's more important than everyone else?

I think they have been conflated. Another fucked up thing abut being a woman.

Did you end up going to medical school?

But really? How much of a *choice* was this? There are many factors you did not choose. You found a partner young and were stable enough to have kids young. I know many, many women who didn't find a partner or were financially stable enough to have kids in their 20s. We should be careful not to rationalize our

On the other hand, I would rather have the fun, interesting, care-free life and then develop a deep bond with my partner before having kids. Then, when I have them, I won't yearn so desperately for that date-night or girl's night. I could never imagine having a child now at 25. There's so much I want to do now with

Fertility doesn't drop significantly until 35ish. For some reason, the panic age has become 30, though. Why?

Not that the whole racial bias bullshit doesn't exist, but I firmly believe that many men (not the ones we want to date) actually LIKE crazy and you probably are far too normal to attract their attention.

Both of my insurances cover abortions.

I think the male gaze isn't about one attractive body type more it is about a more general concern with what is sexually appealing to men. Of course, in the age of mass media, there is a collective male gaze that didn't exist as strongly in the age of technology because it wasn't mass consumed. This has led to a

But when people say "something isn't flattering" what are they really saying? They are usually telling me that I don't look "attractive" in something. And by attractive, I think they mean sexually attractive, even if it isn't completely conscious. Why do I need to be sexually attractive in my clothing?

What is "flattering" but lip-service to the male gaze. While women may "dress" for other women, the aesthetics of biological shape are defined by male sexual attraction. The aesthetics of the clothing might be for women, but the shape they are meant to make is for men. "Flattering" clothes usually accent or create

What is flattering but lip-service to the male gaze. While women may "dress" for other women, the aesthetics of biological shape are defined by male sexual attraction. "Flattering" clothes usually accent or create the illusion of a sexually attractive shape—small waist, large hips, highlighting the chest/ass, etc.

Even the Office has 3+ black main characters, an Indian character, a Latino, 2 gay characters. This is supposed to be Scranton, PA.