
Um...there is NOTHING WRONG with watching Battlestar Galactica.

We have terrible sex ed in the US, super high rates of teen pregnancy and unplanned pregnancy, and a general distrust of a teenager's ability to be sexual active. These are not problems in France. Intercourse is the most dangerous for young people in the US because it carries the most risk of pregnancy. So of

I try to contain my venom and I don't ask my male friends to be activists and shit, but it is so infuriating to be around people who don't bother to acknowledge privilege. It sucked in college when it was economic privileged hidden by the veil of meritocracy and now it is male privilege hidden behind the veil of "I'm

I once had a guy tell me that my concerns about feminism and slut-shaming weren't valid because he didn't slut-shame so clearly I should just hang out with non slut-shamers like him and the problem would go away. WONDERFUL. I love when men (and, yes, people, but especially men) don't think frustrations with

Of course, Louisiana is the same state that funds psychotic Christian schools that teach that the Lochness monster was not only real, but evidence of creationism. I have problems with my tax dollars paying for that.

BUT we cater and accept mouthbreathing neckbeard men who think they deserve a woman in the top 20% (OKC says that 80% of men message the top 20% of women) and if we call them out on this, they spew some defensive entitlement about how wanting an attractive partner isn't unreasonable. But women are supposed to take it

People come back. I did after the last redesign. I am also over at the FB page and I assume most of them will come back too. I was part of YippaYap (the exile community) after the redesign, but I felt the community became stagnant with the same people. That's what we all like about Jez, I think—there are regulars

Actually try and you might meet someone awesome. I met my bf on there. He's awesome. It took 3 years.

Ask and you shall receive:

Absolutely. The men I meet in real life tend not to be completely shallow. Men on the internet, though, are a different beast.

I am replying to all the men replying that women are shallow.

Well, I suppose the good news is that engineering isn't the worst field to be in when you are unemployed. Right?

The problem is that young boys are socialized in a "boys will be boys" way and young girls are socialized to be "good girls." One praises obedience and planning while the other elevates bad behavior as some inherent trait of the independent male spirit. This is why girls do better in school, apply to college, often

Also, might I add, that many women don't care. And if you are constantly meeting women who do care a lot about money or status, then YOU ARE DATING THE WRONG WOMEN! Why do so many less-than-perfect men (sometimes women) feel entitled to perfect women?

Except in my experience, beta males or non-alpha males are pursuing the *same* women that alpha males pursue. There are an equal number (give or take a tenth of a percent) of men and women in our country. The problem is that 80% of men are messaging 20% of women. When you tell the vocal beta males that complain

Well, perhaps your friend is different, but most engineers I know tend to be awkward with the ladies in general, which lowers his dating cachet. His job restores some of that. An awkward unemployed guy is kind of sad.

It's because teh wimmenz (those shallow whores) only care about money and discriminate against poor Nice Guys® in favor of rich assholes. Now, my preference for thin wimmenz and my fat-hate are totally justified because I have preferences and those are natural.

I know you are supposedly keeping Groupthink, BUT HOW THE HELL DO I GET TO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????

The part about "The Business of Being Born" that stuck with me is how medicalized pregnancy has become. While I am totes getting an epidural because I am a wuss, a lot of women are feds tons of meds to get their pregnancy moving along even if they don't need them and receive episiotomies that are unneeded because it

Ruh roh. The paleofreaks are going to sniff you out. They are the evangelical Christians of the liberal elite.