
One of the problems that seems to come with how men bestow the adjective crazy onto a woman is attractiveness. Men often say "I really like a girl who could sit down and eat a steak" but that phrase has an unspoken dependent clause "if she is thin and attractive"—i.e. she shouldn't look like she actually eats steak

Okay, while I don't want equality to mean that men get treated like shit too, I kind of like this just a little bit as payback for the Kevin James sitcom culture of the late 90s. Too bad I actually like Jason Segel.

Usually that is kind of a baited questions (because people should be able to have biological children if they want and the "what about adoption" debate usually doesn't take into account the money and time it takes to adopt. But, I suppose Rancic has money and pregnancy might be dangerous, so it is a legitimate

Yeah, but she has money and so does the husband. There is an emotional burden to caring for a sick parent, but there won't be a financial burden. Moreover, people have children under dire circumstances all the time. You can say that it is irresponsible to have children if you are poor, or if you are in debt, or if

Haha! Thanks!


One of my professors from undergrad hooked me up with this 32-year old grad student at Harvard in a similar field to mine. He was in my city for the night and she told him to look me up. He was going to the airport the next day and needed a place to crash. I offered my place, but we both knew we were going to bang.

One of my professors from undergrad hooked me up with this 32-year old grad student at Harvard in a similar field to mine. He was in my city for the night and she told him to look me up. He was going to the airport the next day and needed a place to crash. I offered my place, but we both knew we were going to bang.

I have a sensitive cervix and it bleeds frequently when I have sex when 1) I am less than 100% wet, 2) when my partner is well-endowed, or 3) I haven't had sex in awhile. It was all three for me last night (booze kills my lady lubrication). I never bled when I first had sex. It started happening with me second

The condom piss incident has been relegated to the past!

Love the jpg!

I want this cake.

SPOILER ALERT: Mild-sexytimes discussion forthcoming,

I get your point. I totally do. But can we not have a fight online about this?

Right...every blog in the world would have the same problem.

Peeps. I want to shamelessly plug my new blog. It is called "This is Why I'm Single." It is a cross between Annals of Online Dating and some looking-for-love type blog. []

But SLS makes them worse, regardless of cause.

If you get canker sore frequently, use toothpaste without sodium laurel sulfate. SLS aggravates injuries in the mouth. And nothing with alcohol. Tom's "Clean and Gentle" line is the only Tom's without SLS. Xylowhite is a French toothpaste at some health food stores. Of course, these are $8 each and they don't contain

If you get canker sore frequently, use toothpaste without sodium laurel sulfate. SLS aggravates injuries in the mouth. And nothing with alcohol. Tom's "Clean and Gentle" line is the only Tom's without SLS. Xylowhite is a French toothpaste at some health food stores. Of course, these are $8 each and they don't contain

If he gets canker sore frequently, use toothpaste without sodium laurel sulfate. SLS aggravates injuries in the mouth. And nothing with alcohol. Tom's "Clean and Gentle" line is the only Tom's without SLS. Xylowhite is a French toothpaste at some health food stores. Of course, these are $8 each and they don't contain