
I love the AC A98...I’d never heard it of prior to Motor Trend Classic’s article. Gorgeous car, and love the color.

Bad take. I’d love a Cobra or Daytona Coupe rust, no previous owner’s complete clusterfuck of a repair job. It’s a clean slate with shiny new parts, and I could do whatever I damn well pleased with it.

I agree with you. I learned to drive stick after learning to ride a motorcycle, and didn’t find it really helped much at all. 

WTF?  I just purchased the 1st edition for $60...might have to flip it!

I grew up with Caramel deLites, and the Samoas here are NOT the same. Nowhere close.

They probably haul trailers on the interstate....lots of miles and not many stops, and the trailer brakes are probably set up to do a lot of the work.

COP = Coil On Plug, ie, no plug wires.  I thought this was a car site?

Too bad everything’s COP now, celeste plug wires would be badass. 

Yup. I used to work with a guy who rode some shitty old mt bike on large road group rides (like fundraiser ones), I think just so he could brag about it. Sorry dude, you look like a tool and would be much happier on a nice road bike.

“Bitten & Hisses” that Benson & Hedges’ way of getting around cigarette advertising? Clever!

Horrible’s perfect as it is.

Cars used to have mechanical drums all ‘round, too...what’s your point?

We can debate this all day long. I’ll just leave this link, so you don’t have to read the entire thread:

There’s a much easier way to “shoot back”...simply email the author. This isn’t the first time he’s been a dick, trust me.

Project Postal happened in a similar way as a dried nugget bowel movement happens. Brown, shitty, and a ton of work for little payoff.

Yeah, his response definitely showed how friendly he is.  Can you read?

You’re a pretentious asshole. Go play with your fake 330 that’s built upon lies.

Lol. I never feel bad about ANYTHING a pleasure boat owner bitches about.


This is a lugged steel frame. They are always brazed, never welded.