
You’d actually use it? For one thing, you’d have to spend a good amount replacing every damned gasket & rubber piece on the engine and the rest of the truck, and then you immediately kill the reason you bought it in the first place. Every mile will decrease its “value.” You’re much better off finding either a decent

OMG you do? I drove one of those years ago for work, and just holy’s the noisiest thing I’ve ever driven. Worse than my Pinto was on the interstate. I hope yours has some sound deadening in it.

e-up! = sound I make as I vomit.

“There’s a very high chance a 1980 F-250 with that low mileage would never come up for sale again.”

But...who cares? It’s a bare bones old truck. It’s not a Buick GNX, Sierra RS Cosworth, or even an Omni’s just a basic truck. Just because it’s old but shiny doesn’t mean it’s good. Complete and utter waste of money IMO, the owner would have been better off buying something new that’s better all around and

I was going to suggest a CR-Z, but the engine still wouldn’t address the fact that it’s just hideous.  Would make a helluva sleeper, though.

Hopefully she’s black and has been arrested at some point in her life, because they’ll be able to use her mug shot!

Fair point!

Well, quit buying weird things!

Kool-Stop salmon.  On everything.

Or even R/C cars.  I spent waaaaaay more time fixing my nitro 4x4 truggy than actually playing with it. 

While I’ve only ridden a couple of bikes with hydro discs, both of my bikes with discs have Avid BB7 mechanicals. I just don’t feel the extra complexity’s worth whatever gains there are to be had - if I were a downhill rider or something, sure, but for XC, cable’s the way to to IMO.

Yes, throw away a perfectly good wheel, just because the bearings need to be re-packed once/decade.

That’s very true...but part of the purpose of magazines is to showcase the (for most mortals) unattainable. Five-figure watches are the six-figure supercar/luxobarges. There are plenty of high-dollar tools as well.

I’m not sure people here know the definition of jewelry - it has no function apart from being pretty and shiny, and that’s its single purpose. Watches have a primary function, which is telling time. It just so happens some are nice. Calling everything made from metal “jewelry” is stupid.

Sorry, you’re just wrong; plenty of car people can’t spin a lug nut or want to read anything more than a Twitter post.

Exactly. And now we’re just seeing the whole idiotic argument of, “you’re not tolerant of our intolerance, so that makes you intolerant, too.” No, it doesn’t.

That’s a shit mainstream car mags shouldn’t have articles here and there with parallel things their target audience are interested in? What about the articles about tools or books, is that going too far?

There’s a difference between owning watches and being interested in watches, just like there’s a difference between owning a car and being a car enthusiast. The latter of each tend to go hand-in-hand, and that’s what this article’s about. I don’t think it has anything to do with jewelry; while the fact many watches

Adjustment tools for my Quadrajet. Sent it out to have it rebuilt, put it back on, sold the car, found the tools a few years later. Oops.