This is true, but what I meant was that for whatever reason it was much more obvious than any faux pipe treatment I've ever seen. Of course I may have been over-analyzing things since I was excited to finally see one in the wild.
This is true, but what I meant was that for whatever reason it was much more obvious than any faux pipe treatment I've ever seen. Of course I may have been over-analyzing things since I was excited to finally see one in the wild.
The Aztek was kind of neat, and I never thought it was hideous, I could just never consider buying one because literally everyone (even my non car-savvy sister) jumped on the hate wagon a few years after its release. The sentiment has snowballed since then, I'm sure sellers can't give these things away...
Great cars but I don't think most americans understand sleeper vehicles; if they buy something expensive and powerful they want it to look the part.
Fucking gorgeous car, but I think the best idea was the unpainted stainless steel body. I wasn't old enough to appreciate cars when this debuted, but my dad assured me it didn't gain a cult fandom until after the movies, and reviewers practically shat on it at the time...
Oddly enough I saw one for the first time today. Looks good except I could clearly see the normal cylincrical tailpipes inside the faux bumper trim and it really looked kind of whack. I've heard wonderful things about the car in general though
It's inoffensive. Maybe I'm just getting older but it seems like there's less of a gap between the hyper-luxury brands and the good ol Mercedes and BMW these days. I actually think I like some of the new BMW interiors more...
Just for the record the new MKZ is way more awesome in person. Especially with the roof open. Only thing is they really fucked up with a giant whip antenna in the back and I just can't with all that...
Why is this site a constant competition for who can make the stupidest pun on each article... Getting real tired of your shit, Deadspin...
Well you should've visited when you had the chance. Maybe then the museum wouldn't have closed.
Whatever plastic Chevy has been using in their cars lately is horrendous. It' shows age horribly, looks and feels incredibly cheap. Please tell me I'm not the only one thats noticed this? I saw it when I test drove a Chevy Traverse a few years back, so it may have changed since then.
Italian COUCHbuilder? Really, Jalopnik?
I don't understand why everyone stands up for the WRX. It is an all around ridiculously hideous car. Don't get me started on the over-sized spoilers.
I had no idea she was black... I mean "a woman of color"
Why would you get rid of wine glasses? You're always gonna need them, maybe not frequently but at least when you have family over it's kind of trashy to not have wine glasses
Or you know you could have windows 8 and press your keyboard's windows key for a custom laid out start menu with all your frequently used files and programs.
Wow! I live in Oakton... Do you love living in northern VA as much as I do?
wtf? Why would you even have mpeg-2 video in this day and age? No uploaders even rip to that format anymore.
My charger says "Output: 5V, 1A" is that sufficient? Also, can a Pi play 1080p viddeo? If so, can it stream it, or would I need to put it on a drive and connect it?
Actually a lot of people seriously do. It makes commenting so much more fun. WHY DON'T YOU HAVE ONE?