
Looks great. Microsoft is a better Apple than Apple lately.

Microsoft used to be on a 5 year cycle, they are now on a 3 year release cycle. And that cycle will only get shorter. If you knew anything about technology you would know it progresses exponentially, meaning advances are only going to get faster. Computer manufacturers want you buying computers every two years, hence

The Indy concept looks boss as hell. Also, I don't know much about cars (I'm just visiting this blog from Gizmodo) but why is it called mid-engined instead of rear-engined? I mean... The engine is basically in the trunk, it's not in the cockpit next to you.

*reads article headline* Yes... Yes that does sound terrifying.

Why is Big Ideas capitalized like that? Like it's someone's name? It's really bothering me...

You really couldn't have thrown in an app for Windows Phone users? Despicable.

Ah, that makes sense. As much as I love cars I've never been able to get into racing, oddly enough.

Wouldn't the Corvette be a better choice for a Chevrolet racecar? Why would they go with the camaro?

The issue is not that they are homophobic in their restaurants (which are independently run anyway), but that they use company profits to fund organizations that openly oppose marriage equality. If you believe in not giving your money to such bigoted organizations then you shouldn't go to Chik-Fil-A, and now you know

This issue with gay marriage is very simple: It doesn't matter what you believe, stay the fuck out of other people's lives. Your religion should not dictate what other people can and cannot do, it's simply not anyone's place. Gay people deserve to get married, it's a right the rest of us have. Not allowing their

u a stoopid ho

$340 and I only get half the hands I'm accustomed to? I think not good sir.

When I'm smoking weed I just chill, I don't even want a beer. When I'm drunk at a party I'll do any drug someone sticks in front of me...

I don't know how to grill. :( My dad always did it when I lived at home, and now that I've moved away it's on my list of things I'm surprised I don't know how to do. That and taking a taxi.

Looks nice. And McDonalds coffee is actually good, I don't know why people think it's trashy.

Yeah... Can I live in a zoo?

His Twitter page is just... wow.

Yeah, you have a point there.

If a plane is fucking up so much that your kid needs that serious of a harness then you're all probably screwed anyways.