I don’t laud either, either, but the answer to your question is that the human mind is capable of seeing things in *degrees*.
I don’t laud either, either, but the answer to your question is that the human mind is capable of seeing things in *degrees*.
Same. I think MJW’s point is valid. I think that Woody Allen and Roman Polanski are both absolutely repugnant people and I am not shy about telling others this. I have seen one of each of their films (Midnight in Paris and Rosemary’s Baby) and have no plans to ever see any others, although I did enjoy both films.
...except the movie where he glorifies a middle-aged guy having sex with a minor. It’s not like his art is separate from the ickiness; at least Cosby’s show had NOTHING to do with his rapey ways.
I haven’t seen a Woody Allen movie in years. However, Hollywood doesn’t really give a shit about what I say. Hell, I’m trying to get a response from a local college that played a snippet of Rock and Roll pt. II - Gary fucking Glitter still gets royalties from that!
Accusations by female comics of sexual misconduct.
Allen’s faced one questionable accusation. Huge difference.
Didn’t Cate Blanchett just win an Oscar for acting in an Allen film?
Because Polanski and Allen never pretended to be anyone’s role model. Also, they were not associatted with children’s entertainment.
“We” don’t laud Polanski and Allen. Not us, not here.
The point is none of these women consented to having their naked photos posted online regardless if a creepy guy took naked photos through a wide angle lens or the women took nude selfies for their boyfriends. You seem to blame the later category for being “foolish” enough to trust their partner. Every one of them…
Yep, there’s those assholes too. consent! Consent to actual sex, Consent to pictures/video being taken. Consent to said pictures/video to be shared. CONSENT!
In your defense, I would love it you were the cop that was dispatched to my house cuz you wouldn’t victim blame me and actually, like, focus on getting the bad guys?
And how everybody assumes the women consented to be photographed. Like none of these scumbags ever hid a camera.
There’s a few “if I step into traffic I get hit by a car...” You said anyone who trusts explicit pictures of themselves to anyone is foolish. Shut the fuck up. That’s exactly what victim blaming is. Ever trust someone with your house keys? Hope you get fucking robbed. Oh well, that was your fault you trusted someone…
Child abusers typically have between 50 and 150 victims
Edgy trolly at 12 O’Clock
Do you ever feel even a tinge of regret for being an absolute sludgy shitpuddle of a human being? Or are you proud of it?
You’d think! But there was a guy at my college known as “John The Date Rapist.” And women still dated him. So.
You are brave and awesome. (I felt it was important to say that in light of the idiot troll who has also responded to you. Please ignore him and know that decent people have your back.)
I remember reading about a study of college rapists and they had an average of 6 victims each. Even if victims don’t go to the police, they can still warn other women they know. It will be harder for predators to operate when they develop a bad reputation.